I'm looking for a new job!!


Friend of the elves
Hi everybody
Anyone know a good webpage where I can post my info and offer my services as web programer?
I work very good with PHP, ASP, MySQL, SQL Server, JavaScript and web design applications. If anyone knows a page where I can find a job or contact me with someone interested in a web programmer, please, tell me.
Thank you very much.

I'm looking for a job too. After posting my resume here, I received calls and emails less than 12 hours later. I even got two interviews out of it. Recruiters ROUTINELY search Monster.com and you will be contacted! - Guarenteed! Whether or not you get a job, well, that's different...

niles - if you think you have the right to my hallucinations then it is you are delusional. i was having hallucinations long before you were a part of my life. in fact i am still waiting on the flashbacks so that i get the 2 for 1 deal i was promised.:p ;)