I'm Missing My / A Mac ... So ... (Emu) ...

I'm gonna emulate the Latest OS i can, on some Emu software! has anyone done this, on a windows machine At all, here? Can anyone offer any Newbie tips! I think, via updates, i can get up to OS 8.1. Which is Cool! The Main reason i am doing it, is to get me more familar with Mac's and the way they work! And, until i get enough ££'s for a Sparkingly iMac, this is the best way! it will surely help me along the way! And i Should learn a lot of new tricks and all!

I've downloaded Basilisk II for Win2k which i assume should run on XP! now, i just need the ROM's, and to read Loadsa "Stuff!" if anyone ha anything, which could be helpful a "newbie" it'd be appreciated!

LOL! its kinda weird, that i'd wanna emulate such an Old OS, but since using an Old Beige G3, at Collge (Photoshop 5.02! lol), i realised, that i know little about the "classic" side of Mac's. Now, i assume, OS 7.53 - OS 8.1 have, in general the same "essential" elements, as OS 9?

oh! ... We Do have PowerMac G3 towers, CRT iMacs, and a Few G4's too!but its ALL for graphics students! We Get Stuck With Duron 750's on Win2k < sigh >
thanks for your time! I'm kinda excited about this! LOL (Sounds perfetheitc i know!)


PS. Oh, i've Borrowed an Alctatel External USB Modem! So i am hoping, i will be broadband in a Few moments! YAY! Thanks to all those who offered help and all, i still need to figure out what the deal is, with that Internal Modem! :rolleyes:
Hey Neyo!!! I just want to say, that I'm really glad you've started using normal words in your posts!!!! The only thing left is to cool off on the exclamation points!!!!

I guess you're really excited about macs!!! I wish I could help you!!!! Sadly, I don't have any experience with emulation software!!!!

I wish you good luck!!!!!!!!!


PS I'm guessing that's why he asked what country you are from!!! I bet he wanted to know if you're a native English speaker!
Hey Man, i am getting there! (oops "!")
I've Got this far...


Can anyone tell me, is there a command, like "ALT + Tab" to Switch windows or applications, in OS 7.5.3 ? ... i am expanding files via Stuffit, and whenever i click away, i end up on the Finder again, so i have goto the top left hand corner, and click stuffit, then File / expand! i am jut after a quicker method.

Any Ideas?

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
Can anyone tell me, is there a command, like "ALT + Tab" to Switch windows or applications, in OS 7.5.3 ?
Unfortunately, that did not show up until 8.5-8.6 at least. However, there are third party apps which can provide this functionality. Check out http://www.umich.edu/~archive/ and look under the Macintosh archives link for software that was designed for MacOS's 8.1 and earlier. A lot of neat stuff, some great ghostware, and predecessors to some of the best software available now. I used to live off of those archives , with my Performa 631CD (68LC040) and 14.4 modem. those were the days....
Originally posted by sheepguy42
with my Performa 631CD (68LC040) and 14.4 modem. those were the days....

My first Mac (that I owned) was a Performa 631CD! I sold it a few years ago, though :(

I just bought a Performa 6220CD that I'd like to get working (if I can ever find my Mac OS 8 install cd!)
I offloaded my Celeron 333 WinXP to my Mum, and I was using Basilisk II on there. Today, I commandeered my sister's Toshiba 897 (or something) mhz WinXP Proffesional, and have gott basilisk II and HFV Explorer running on it, with OS 7.5.3.

I was going to try to see if I could fool it into running OS 9.2, but I had a better idea.

In my 'Australian Macworld' magazine, one of the articles is how to run OS X on an unsupported box. They got it to run on a Classic Plus, so I thought, well hey, why don't I try that? I have OS X.1.2 on a CD (iMac CD, so what ;) ) and Basilisk II can emulate a huge range of macs.

And hey, the laptop has enough RAM and processor speed to do it. The emulator is running blindingly fast.
Ah well, I will post my results when I try tonight! MWA HA HA! Sory, I'm back in control :p
Originally posted by Hypernate
I offloaded my Celeron 333 WinXP to my Mum, and I was using Basilisk II on there. Today, I commandeered my sister's Toshiba 897 (or something) mhz WinXP Proffesional, and have gott basilisk II and HFV Explorer running on it, with OS 7.5.3.

I was going to try to see if I could fool it into running OS 9.2, but I had a better idea.

In my 'Australian Macworld' magazine, one of the articles is how to run OS X on an unsupported box. They got it to run on a Classic Plus, so I thought, well hey, why don't I try that? I have OS X.1.2 on a CD (iMac CD, so what ;) ) and Basilisk II can emulate a huge range of macs.

And hey, the laptop has enough RAM and processor speed to do it. The emulator is running blindingly fast.
Ah well, I will post my results when I try tonight! MWA HA HA! Sory, I'm back in control :p

...Waiting Anxiously! :D

You can't run anything higher than 8.1 on a 68k machine. Everything after that was built for PowerPC only.
Originally posted by Hypernate
In my 'Australian Macworld' magazine, one of the articles is how to run OS X on an unsupported box. They got it to run on a Classic Plus, so I thought, well hey, why don't I try that? I have OS X.1.2 on a CD (iMac CD, so what ;) ) and Basilisk II can emulate a huge range of macs.

Sorry, but I don't believe that they got OS X to run on a ClassicPlus!
Originally posted by dricci
You can't run anything higher than 8.1 on a 68k machine. Everything after that was built for PowerPC only.

Thats what it Says, on all the Emu sites i've visited! And that OS 7.5.3 is the newest OS, which is legally downloadable.
Check this for irony...
I'm Gonna wipe my XP machine, and tart again! The Recent Accumilation of BSOD's among other things are driving me crazy! i know one of the errors is caused between Nvidia's Nv4_Disp.Dll ... but i hav tried a few official and BETA Detonator sets, to no success! I personally feel, that the amount of hacking i have done, to integral system files, is to XP's downfall! so this time, i think i shall simply settle for Luna! < Sigh > The only problem now is, i've got to try and backup at the most, 10Gb of files i'd like to keep! ...hmm... "if only i had a new 10Gb iPod! < sigh >"

i just see this, on a forum! Not sure whether its OS 7.5.x or 8.x but it look Good! Anyone have any clues, how to "Skin" it?

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
i just see this, on a forum! Not sure whether its OS 7.5.x or 8.x but it look Good! Anyone have any clues, how to "Skin" it?


Seen what? :confused:
Edit: Oops, Sorry for the Double Post, Purely accidentaly! i just see this on a Emu Forum! Looks pretty Cool, i'm not sure if its OS 7.5.x or 8.x, i'm on 7.5.3 righ now, having problems getting the 7.5.5 update to work! anyhow, anyone know how "easy" it is, to skin like this?



Ps. can i ask, is 7.5.3 black and white only, was 7.5.5 the first Colour Mac OS? ... Just Curious! thanks!

I remember Macs using color since System 7.0, long before 7.5.3 or 7.5.5. If yours is in black and white, then you've got some emulator problems to work out.

Regarding that last picture, I'd venture to guess it is either Mac OS 8 or 9 using an aqua-like Kaleidoscope scheme. Although Kaleidoscope works all the way back to System 7, the tab you see at the bottom of the screen is a feature that wan't introduced until Mac OS 8.
Originally posted by starfleetX

I remember Macs using color since System 7.0, long before 7.5.3 or 7.5.5. If yours is in black and white, then you've got some emulator problems to work out.

Regarding that last picture, I'd venture to guess it is either Mac OS 8 or 9 using an aqua-like Kaleidoscope scheme. Although Kaleidoscope works all the way back to System 7, the tab you see at the bottom of the screen is a feature that wan't introduced until Mac OS 8.

Oh!? Thanks man! ... As For the Emulator! ...Well, i have a bare bones version of 7.5.5 running, just the bare OS! Now i have the whole 7.5.3 OS, in 19 Files. i Used Stuffit to extract the files, and install, but once i did, and changed the Bootup Disc, that partition was black and White! but since it was 7.5.3, and 7.5.5 (cut down) on two partitions, i was simply curious! i will have a a fiddle nontheless! I REALLY need to Format XP Though, it's Driving me Nuts! there's problems with the USB now, it will suddenly shut down the USB Bus, meaning i have no Mouse (Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer) and no Modem (Alcatel Speedtouch!) The thing is, it does it random, often while i am busy downloading for example! i know the system hacks i've done are a large cause! But i need to finish my Downloads off Kazaa, before i Format! < Argh >
But Once i format, i'm going to play with BII a lot more! The Next step ...

Where can i get a cheap OS 8 CD?! Anyone here, wanting to sell an old CD?!

Thanks for your information Man!

First off, there was no such thing as a "ClassicPlus".. there was a "Classic" (which I have one of), and a "Plus", although both are considered "Classic Macs" due to their compact cases which was shared with all of the first macs.

The story on getting OS X in a Classic Mac is a pretty old one.. and it was misleading. What they REALLY did, was they popped open the case of the Classic mac, took out all the guts, stuck in a new, colour monitor, and stuck in the insides from a G4 Cube... so really, it was OS X running on a G4 cube with an old case...

Just a bit of useless info