I'm New and need help :-(


Just got a new macbook. New OS is leopard 10.5.2 and i'm guessing this has come up countless times but i am having probs with the firewall. I'm not a tech wizard so bear with me here.....

....Ok so i'm trying to open the ports for azureus. I have read countless instruction articles saying system preferences>sharing>firewall tab - yet i see no firewall tab in sharing. Not sure if that's coz it is different here in the UK but i'm confused and have no idea how to solve this problem :-(

Hope you can help

The directions you are finding are for Tiger, not leopard. Firewall tab is in Security in Leopard. In Tiger it is in Sharing, which is why you don't see it. Please go to system preferences>security>firewall, or find other directions that are for Leopard.
No i've done that, all i can do there is add the applications to the 'allow' list but it still doesn't work. Apparently, i need to open the ports the apps are connecting to but i have absolutely no idea how to do that
Well, according to the forum rules in the FAQ section we're not supposed to be discussing such things or things that would lead to such things....

No W@r3z

No asking for serialz, hackz, or warez, linking to them, discussing or anything related, including MP3z, Pr0n and related piracy items.

I am aware that torrents are also used for legitimate reasons, but since it's kind of a double edged sword it's best to err on the side of caution.

If you are using a router, you might have to open the ports on the firewall used by that as well. Also be aware that depending on your internet service provider, you either will have your bandwidth throttled for using non-legitimate torrents or they might be blocking the ports completely.
Yeah i tried that but when i get to the 'save settings' part the connection drops sigh..

...sorry didnt realise it was against the rules