I'm over it. Are you?

Ceroc Addict said:
What bummed me out was that this news took up almost the complete keynote (made up for by the aside that it'll be possible to add labelled chapter markers to podcasts). I wanted some kind of product announcement (e.g. as long as they're going Intel, they might as well have announced that they were making a four button mouse too :p ).

ah, but this was a developer conference, not the typical marketing/launch conference, tho'.
Viro said:
Will _all_ adaptation guarantee survivability?

:) Nice (also love the proverb in your sig)

I agree with your previous observation that this was a really silly time to do this.

So why do it?
1. Steve is RIGHT about the future?
2. Steve's ego was bruised and fought back?
3. Big business/money is at work and we have yet to see how it will all turn out.

I know a lot of users, especially those who are non-technical don't care about this, nor should they. I still feel that if done wrong, this move will weaken rather than strengthen the Mac.. or Apple PC....
So I re-read page 459 in the old Big Book.... Life on life's terms. I just really liked the Power PC 64 bit chip and all it promised. However, this is almost as bad as when Quaaludes were outlawed :eek: Probably just as well and yet one more thing to get over!
I think my position was different even _before_ Steve showed up on that stage, and that probably helped me a lot to get over it. Living and breathing in the Mac rumour world for a long time, I knew that it was technically more than possible to do such a step. And I sat there and listened, and I said to myself: "If Steve can tell me it's _not_ going to be a harder transition than the ones before, then I'm alright with it." And from this position, Steve did a brilliant job, really. He not only told the devs _that_ it would happen, he also very clearly showed them the way. Go Xcode. Create Universal Binaries. It was a clean, smooth job done well. However: It was also clear that while developers would probably see this as a challenge and opportunity, consumers (not all of them, of course) would see it as a challenge and danger.

I guess now that he's done the right job with the devs, there'll come a show or two where Steve has to to de good job with the customers/consumers.
Why was my post deleted?

I asked if there was anything relevant in the podcast which the above poster felt was worth debating, then post it in a summary form? I listened to the podcast, or as much as I could and it was just two people stating opinions with nothing new in it.

As for whether I'm over it, nope, just resigned to it and resigned to the fact I'm in a minority in having concerns over the long-term implications.
I have a 3.4GHz Pentium 4 thats slow as hell for day-to-day tasks compared to my 800MHz G4 iMac (no joke), so obviously Mac OS X makes much better use of its processor. I think using Intel will be a step in the right direction for Apple. I just hope they don't put those ugly intel inside stickers on Macs :(

Also I think Apple have shocked the computing world so much to (for some part) have teamed up with someone who had been a strong supplier to 'their enemies'. Apple are getting lots of attention now. People are standing up saying what the? It's exactly what Apple wants, and what they need. This is a new era of Macs.