I'm SOOOO happy!!!!!


When my wife came home to day she brought me a little present:D
A PowerBook 15" 1ghz!!!!
I'd been talking about getting one but wasn't sure if we could handle it finically, she being in school and all, but to day she went out and got me one. On student discount of course, 300 dollars cheaper.. Oh I love my wife::love:: :D ::angel::

Hmm, have to show my fiancee this post. :D Though she was impressed with the 17 this past weekend when we "casually" (cough, cough) strolled into an Apple Store.
Thanks Hulkaros, yup correct, she is indeed iWoman :)
To morrow I'm going to go and buy some more RAM and I just ordered Panther since I get it for 20 bucks, I'm so lucky she surprised me to day and not yesterday :D

Your wife rules!
I've got one of those on the way, should ship in third week of October.

BTW: You might wanna update your sig...
Damn, mine loves Macs, but is too logical and want's to buy things like food for the baby :( ;)
I'm unsure. My GF may very well become my wife, but not that soon...so that was the PowerBook...
seriously...I don't know which to congratulate you on first - the new PB, or the friggin awesome wife you've got! :) lol

very cool. tell her thanks - for all of us! She's given me hope that my wife may someday become and iWife! hahaha
mono, jassa du hittade hit he he..

To all- Thanks and yes she's the best wife you can possibly get :D with impeccable timing on top of that.
Just got some more RAM today so I'm set for a while.

Mail.app-order iBride... LOL

I wish I had such generous family members. I don't even have a girlfriend. :(
God, and I thought I was doing well...

My girlfriend went out yesterday to "buy some food" and came back with a Pentax Optio S for me ("I knew you wanted one!" was her explanation...)

but a PowerBook?!?!? WOW! again...

Congratulations - and enjoy! We know you will!!!

Originally posted by applewhore
came back with a Pentax Optio S for me ("I knew you wanted one!" was her explanation...)

I think that's the saddest thing I've heard all week. :(