imac 2 !!!

but has created euphoria in the process (which'll probably push up sales!)

But it always strikes me as weird, releasing a major consumer product just after Xmas!:confused:
I hope the LCD screen is of G4 quality, My PB G3 screen is acceptable but watching movies on it tends to "blur" ones view. (yuk yuk)

I feel that the G4 screen has very little problems with blurring in my experience. Thoughts on the fact that this LCD monitor is rumored to be a "Web pad?" (Click the link on the bottom of the article that Jayem posted)

I also want to see if Apple releases 10.2 during the Jan show, and I'd like to see how X performs on this iMac...

More and more I think I'll be buying tix to go... See this stuff in person y'know.
When you say "G4 screen" I think you mean Cinema display or Studio display.

After what I've heard, the LCD-iMac won't ship until early summer. But, maybe it will be indroduced at the MWSF. Mac OS X will also probably shipping in march-april.