iMac DV 400 won't startup


I have a iMac DV 400.
A few weeks ago it started to act strangely. I had difficulties starting it up, I had to press the keyboard button several times in a row before it finally started.
Two days ago it finally went completely dead, here's the exact problem: when I press the start button (either on the keyboard or on the computer), the green LED lights up for about half a second, I hear a whizing sound (I guess it is the HD starting to spin) and then everything powers down.

Tried changing the PMU battery (which was completely dead) and resetting the PMU: it didn't work
Checked the fuse at the power/analog board: OK
Checked for trickle power at the logic board: read 5 V OK
Checked for DCO voltage: read minus 1.2 V OK

Can anyone see what's wrong ?

Have you figured out the problem? I have the same computer and had to get the logic board replaced. Two weeks later the same thing happened and fortunatelty they gave us another logic board for free (since the first one died). the monitor had been going dark and I had fixed that recently by instaling firmware 4.1.9, but now it doesn;t start - it does what you say. How do I check that the logic board has 5v so that I know whether it might be the power supply/ The guy talked to my mom at the repair store cause its her comp and she said that he told her new logic boardsa would keep sdying because of something - but I wonder what he meant 9I didn't speak with him). Any help would be appreciated.
2 major parts of this iMac, the logic board, and the Power/Analog board. sounds like you need the Power/Analog, Golfer099. Some of these iMacs need Both parts replaced together (one causes problems with the other) Take it to Apple Service.