iMac DVSE probs! HELP?!


hey all,

ok, i have an iMac DVSE that was running 9.0.4 and have been attempting to update it to osx.
whenever i get 9.1 on it, it won't startup (no sad mac or icon of anykind, just a grey screen).

i can boot from a cd after this, but if i don't IMMEDIATELY start doing something (running an installer or other task to keep activity going, it freezes the screen.

i have gone back and installed a "clean" system of os9 and then the iMac runs fine.

i have tried many ways to do the installs (appx 8 reinstalls now) and every time it gets to os9.1, it keeps freaking out.

apple has a firmware updater called 4.1.9 (?) that among other things says it addresses the problem of "some" iMacs not booting in 9.1 but it won't let me install the firmware updater until 9.1 is mounted.

HELP! Please.
Get newer update. International versions of 9.2.2 are available, so get one, I have iMacDV400 and it freezed with 9.1 update and the company where I bought my mac gave me newer update (9.2.1) and now it works like a..a.. bird! =) no probs!