iMac G3 400mhz DV/se graphite


Alright, i am trying to help my dad with his only mac out of dozens of pcs that he owns. He has the imac g3 graphite 400mhz, dv/se, I installed 10.2 on it, and it is running great, however, we cannot get the ethernet working. I've looked high/low but maybe not deep enough for answers here on the net, so I am posting. We are/were tethered to a hub and we also tried directly to the cable modem, nothing. We are using dhcp (I am referencing my pb g4 that I have with me, xcept i left my power cord at home and there's not much power left) and nothing... can someone send me in the right direction? It started to make some progress, sat there awhile when were directly connected to the modem, but eventually it timed out. But we had a progress sign in the lower corner of the browser, when before when we were connected to the hub, we got nothing.

on the apple site, it says i have to install firmware update before installing 10.2, and I must have 9.1 in order to do that... is this my problem?

another site said that there is an ethernet issues with 10.2.8, could that be the cd's i installed, it only says 10.2? but not sure...

and then somewhere else I read, that I have to use a crossover cable, as opposed to a direct ethernet.... we are using the crossover cable now, but still nothing...

please, soon! ; )

thank you!
'... tethered to a hub ...', is it really a hub?, or is it a switch or router? - either way please provide the name, manufacturer, and model number of the device.

'... on the apple site, it says i have to install firmware update before installing 10.2, and I must have 9.1 in order to do that... is this my problem?', I do not know; but, I once installed 'Panther' MacOS X 10.3, and updated it to 10.3.6 (or higher?), on such an iMac - with no firmware update (and the iMac's owner never installed, or was aware of, such firmware either). However, if such is required on your iMac - what version of System 9.x is installed? If not (at least) System 9.1, then go here.

'... another site said that there is an ethernet issues with 10.2.8, could that be the cd's i installed, it only says 10.2? but not sure...', what is the 'other' site's URL?, and typically - the 'Jaguar' install discs would be MacOS X 10.2.0, and then one would update via a 'combo update' to 10.2.8.

'and then somewhere else I read, that I have to use a crossover cable, as opposed to a direct ethernet.... we are using the crossover cable now, but still nothing...', no - a crossover cable is not needed between a Mac and a router, or between a Mac and the ADSL / cable modem. Years ago - Mac models did require a crossover cable when connecting between two Macs.

You did not mention - your ISP, whether the ISP's service is ADSL or cable, the manufacturer and model number of the modem, nor the settings of the 'System Preferences, Network's 'Built-in Ethernet's - 'TCP/IP', 'PPPoE', 'AppleTalk', 'Proxies', and 'Ethernet' tab panels.

Please reply with the requested information.
the se/dv imac is connected to a router....
router make is: microsoft, mn700...

cable modem is: webstar model dpx100 series, part 749874

we are using "built-in ethernet" running on "using dhcp" under the network preferences, nothing else is marked in this area, except under "proxies" we have "use passive ftp mode (pasv" checked.

we have NOT installed 9.1 at all, we did a clean install of 10.2 OS system.

we haev 254meg of Ram, the imac g3 is 400mhz graphite SE/DV model...

the site that talks about the 10.2.8 issues is here:

i think that is it for your requests... : )


thank you!!
So far, all seem correct.

Try this. Connect the iMac directly to the cable modem. Turn OFF both devices, and wait up to a minute. Turn ON the modem, wait 15 or so seconds, then turn ON the iMac. Try a web browser now, also viewing the 'TCP/IP' panel of the 'System Preferences' 'Network' utility.

If that does work, once again - place the router between the modem and iMac, turning OFF all three devices (reset the router before turning it OFF), then turning ON the modem first, pause, the router second, pause, and the iMac last.


The firmware installation prevented loss of video after MacOS X 10.2 installations, and did some other system wide changes / improvements. However, your iMac has rebooted with its video working. Assuming you want to give the firmware installation a try ... download and decompress the firmware file to your mac. Borrow or purchase a System 9.1 or later installation disc, boot from it, and run the firmware installer. Then reboot to MacOS X, and check whether or not the iMac can then connect to a network and / or the internet.