Imac G4 800 w/ OS9.2 and OutLook _ HELP!!!



I'm fairly new to this forum, but not to Mac. I have run across a problem that I just can't seem to resolve and am hoping that someone here might be able to help. My OutLook Express has stopped working and everytime I try to restart the prog i get an "Error 4362." Since I can't find this listed anywhere, it's pretty hard to know what i need to do here. My last aternative is to trash the prog, the prefs, and reinstall. I will lose alot of data that way, so if anyone has a beter solution please let me know. Thnx
This is probably your error message meaning. I don't have a solution yet.. but there were some listed in this article:
Error 4362 in Entourage X

The action could not be completed. An unknown error (4362) occurred.

When you try to use Microsoft Entourage X to send or to receive e-mail, you receive this error message: Error 4362. The solution is typically resolved by performing a typical or advanced rebuild of the database file.


Sometimes this error indicates a problem Entourage is having with the Microsoft Database Daemon. Quit the daemon

Then go to System preferences/Startup Items and remove any entries of the database daemon from the 'login items' window. Now start up Entourage again and hopefully the problem will have been resolved.

Note: Some users reported this error when clicking on a corrupt email. 4362 is not the usual error for a corrupt message. If deleting the message does not solve the problem, try a rebuild. If this is your problem, then try the following:

Go to View menu/Preview Pane, or press command-\, to turn the Preview Pane off. Now when he click on the message, you will be able to delete it. If this is a POP account and a local folder, then go to Tools/Run Schedule/Empty Deleted Items Items Folder. If it is an IMAP account set up with its own Deleted Items Folder, quit Entourage so it will get purged, or if set up to "mark for deletion" press command-K to connect to the account to purge it.

Here's a solution from another forum

> All of a sudden I am getting this error when I start up Entourage and
> none of the toolbar buttons work anymore. Luckily the drop down menus
> and keyboard shortcuts still work. Any ideas how to fix this?

When things go wonky, I try restarting my Mac. This will often fix any
problems. If the problems continue, try a rebuild of the database. Full
directions here:

Database (

Here aer some elimination methods if you continue to have problems.

Identity: Create a new identity:

Entourage 2001: File-Switch Identity>Select New
Entourage X: Entourage menu>Switch Identity>Select New

If the problems go away, then your old identity is corrupt. You can try a
rebuild on your old identity.

User Folder: In System Preferences: Users: Create a new user. Log Out/In to
new user. Open Entourage and see if the problems go away. (You will need to
recreate your account info.) If problems disappear then you know it's a
conflict or corruption in your user folder.

Run Repair Permissions: Run Repair Permissions after any software update
from Apple and for other software updates. To use. open Disk Utility in your
~/Applications/Utility folder. Click on the First Aid tab and select Repair
Permissions. Don't run from CD as updates have a newer version of Repair

Last resort: Install OS X on a separate partition or hard drive. Install
Office X with updates. Test for problem.
Hey Gig and all who have replied!!! It Worked!!!!!! I followed your instructions and it's running perfectly again. This version 5 of OutLook is actually on my wife's G4 Imac and I have been stumped for a couple of weeks with this. I know that she will be a very happy camper now. Thnx again to you and everyone that has helped.