iMac G5 Headphone Port


Hi everyone, i'm new to the community.

Anyhow, I had a pair of headphones plugged into the back of my iMac, and someone accidentaly tripped over the cord and ripped it out. To my dismay, when I inspected the damage, I realized that the end of the headphphones, the little gold thingy, was ripped clean off the cord and subsequently was stuck in the headphone port, fairly deep. This especially sucks, because now I cant plug in my speakers. Does anybody know how to possibly remove the end from the computer, or is there an alternate way to plug in speakers.

Thanks a lot for all of your help.
Ooh, tough break (no pun intended). Well, here's a possibility that cropped up as a fix for iBook & PB AC adapter breakoffs. Warning: This solution may cause further damage to your port if you aren't careful. If you're brave and have a steady hand, carry on.

1. Get a toothpick, standard round (or mint, if it suits your fancy), And trim the pointy end off so that you have a flat end.

2. Get some superglue. Gel works best here in my experience. Apply a VERY SMALL dab to the end. Don't let any get on the side of the toothpick!

3. Insert VERY carefully into the headphone jack until you contact the broken off bit of headphone. Hold it steady for 20-30 seconds. Gently and carefully pull the toothpick, which will hopefully have stuck to the broken off bit well enough to pull it out.

There really aren't many more successful methods that I've found/ tested. It's risky business, but if it fails, you've still got a broken port, and haven't ruined anything new.

If you have AppleCare, or it's still under warranty, take it into the shop.

Good Luck and welcome to!!
ahhh thanks man, thats pretty clever, i defienetly wouldnt have thought of that myself. i shall try that, due to the fact that I'm no longer under warranty. thanks for the help, and the welcome. :)
alright, it goes like this:

success! i did the toothpick thing and it worked out great, the little piece came out flawlessly.
Or, perhaps not, because now when I try to plug something into the port, as you stick it in a little red light from within the port goes on, and no noise comes from the speakers. What's up with that?

so close to success :(
The red light has always been there. That is the optical connection which is shared in that audio output connector. Seems that you still have damage. The connector is mounted on the logic board, and the only fix is to replace the logic board.
However, the optical output should work. There are speaker systems available that operate from an optical connection. All you would need is the proper adapter for the optical port.