iMac Intel


Hi everyone,

I've been pondering about buying the new iMac Intel Core Duo (17"). However, 34 mistakes (errata) have already been found in the chips just days after its release. Moreover, this chip is optimized for notebooks and some magazines point out that therefore this chip isn't likely to stay in the iMac.

So should I wait for the next iMac release? Could anyone tell me if Apple is likely to update the iMac line in the near future (for some historical data:

PS: I didn't know in which category to post this question. My apologies if I've posted this in the wrong section.
In the past, the iMac was always a candidate for notebook processors. The market, btw., is actually moving to smaller, more silent desktop computers. And those _will_ use notebook processors, because you can cool them with less energy wasted.

Then again, you're right in asking about an update. It was released in January, so usually, we'd think about a September release for a new iMac. That's about the time when the next version of intel's notebook processors are available.
Personally I'd wait for the next iMac revision; I'm doing the same, only I'm waiting for the next MacBook Pro. Hopefully it appears next month, cause I need it to make a presentation for a 21st birthday!
In August, Intel will release Conroe (their next-gen desktop chip) and Merom (their next-gen laptop chip). That's all we know. As for how/when Apple will use these chips, that's anyone's guess. I assume one of these will make it into the iMac, and I also assume Apple will want to update the iMac promptly, since the rest of the industry will start using these chips immediately.
Then again, they might want to emphasize the Mac Pro first, and put a spotlight on the more consumer-oriented Macs at AppleExpo Paris, just like they did at MWSF in January.