iMac LCD Blueprints


Mac Enthusiast
This is kind of a weird question, but are there blueprints or similar sites that have the internal layout of the new iMac posted? It's just that I want to see what the iMac looks like inside and where everything goes without having to open up mine (I'm thinking of upgrading RAM later on).
The RAM upgrade doesn't require you to open the case. All you do is unscrew the base plate and then the slot is there, with the AirPort slot.
Yeah and when you do open the bottom of your TFT you'll likely eb disappointed to see that there's another metal plate covering everything but the RAM and AirPort card slots (and PMU reset button)... :(

I DO like how the screws are spring-loaded though! Very handy...
Unless ya wanna max out the RAM, you won't have to go all the way in. But, I did see some photos of the iMacs insides on SpyMac I think. It was in their gallery. The other RAM chip is all the way inside on the blue motherboard. It's cool looking. The HD is a Laptop HD which is cool. As long as you remember that if you decide to buy a HD and upgrade it.