iMac Pokey! (SONG)


Staff member
I made this up... so give me credit if you pass it around. Blame me if you hate it.

iMac Pokey

Move your screen forward,
move your screen back,
Move your screen forward,
And you Tilt it All About...

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it all about..

That is what it's all ABOUT!

Move your screen to the left,
Move your screen to the right,
Move your screen to the left,
And You Tilt it all About...

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it all about...

That is what it's all ABOUT!


by Admin
you put your mouse hand in
you put your mouse hand out
you put your mouse hand in
and you click it all about....

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it about..

That is what it's all ABOUT!

you type your keyboard in
you type your keyboard out
you type your keyboard in
and jumble letters all about...

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it about..

That is what it's all ABOUT!

you turn your ilamp on
you turn your ilamp out
you turn your ilamp on
and you flash it all about...

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it about..

That is what it's all ABOUT!
Please don't invade my mind with the iMac pokey so I can't get to sleep..... ;)
you put your profits in
you pull your profits out
you put your profits in
and you throw 'em all about

You do the iMac Pokey and you swivel it about..

That is what it's all ABOUT!

everybody dance to the imac pokey

(i think we should all meet at mwsf and do this on the expo floor:D )

see what you've created admin:rolleyes:
You guys saw the iMac pokey video that I detailed in this thread, right?:

Well, you know what I was thinking? That arm seems a little large for just swiveling the display. So, you know how the Mac OS often has easter eggs hidden in it (well, Mac OS X is another story). Maybe the design team of the new iMac has taken it to another level -- a HARDWARE easter egg. I'll bet you that if you type some obscure key combination and do some weird little trick, that iMac Pokey music from the video will start to play, virtual disco balls will appear on the iMac screen, and the screen will start to bob up and down and tilt all about just like in that video. :D

Now I would DEFINITELY pay $1899 to see THAT. ;)
simx, one thing you do not lack is imagination!!

yes i watched the link. i also saw it live on apple's website about the same time you did and delayed on techtv. I am wondering if apple is going to run ads during the superbowl this year?
i'm guessing not because i don't think it would really hit the right market. But during the olympics would be prime for imac ads!!!
boy are we having fun :p
so any nice mac using girls here want to show a club style music listening admiral how to dance this thing ? :p
iMac ads during the OLYMPICS! you see how many BILLIONS of people watch those?! imagine!! all those BILLIONS wanting an iLa.... iMac! :D
OK, here's another funny thing:

The iMac dance webpage. :D

And free&unmuzzled: I would laugh SO hard if I saw like 100 iMacs in the stands doing that look left, look right, look left, look right thing. I have that iMac Pokey video on my deskop and it STILL makes me laugh every time I see it. The things Apple comes up with.... ;)
how'd ya get it on your computer? i can't seem to save the QT file no matter what I try! and i'm usually good at ripping off sites with embedded video!
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
how'd ya get it on your computer? i can't seem to save the QT file no matter what I try! and i'm usually good at ripping off sites with embedded video!

For those of us who want to save quicktime movies even though Apple doesn't want us to (specially if you paid for QT 3/4 and Apple wanted you to pay again for QT 5), here is what you can do.

In Mac OS 9, go to Apple's New iMac page and download the movie into your browser. Hide your browser and open Sherlock and do a custume search for files modified today that are over 6 MB (for most movies 2 MB is a better seach). You should see a file that is called "QTPluginTemp..." with some numbers at the end which is in a hidden folder on your hard drive. Grab it out of the top list and move it over to the desktop. Rename it "" (or anything you like as long as you have the ".mov" on the end). There, you have a quicktime movie saved.

Example images provided below


  • saveqtmovie.jpg
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