iMac Snow VGA output socket on motherboard?


Hello Everyone,
I am a the "new owner" of am iMac Snow 600 system running Tiger 10.4.11. As this is my very first Mac system I can assure you that after 2 days it will not be our last! We can now see what all the hype is about, and being an off and on user of Linux I can also see the stability of the UNIX guts. Now on to my question...

I have been looking for 2 days for info on the External VGA hook up on this unit. The info from the bottom is as follows...

Model # M5521
DHHS Code - G8
EMC # 1857

At the very bottom of the label it says...


I have looked everywhere I could think of and/or found, entering everything I could think of like External Ports and Connectors, VGA Out, etc but nothing answers my question about a plug on the mother board.

After I got it home I removed 2 128mb sticks and replaced them with 2 256mb sticks of memory. While I was in there I noticed small multi-pin connector above the memory slots (it reminds me of a small SCSI plug). One ether side of it, about the width of the drop down panel, are 2 plastic stand offs that are high enough to support a plug on the back of the casing.

My questions are is this where the VGA adapter / plug goes, and if so where could I get the adapter? I know the this is a 7-8 year old system, but until we can afford a new - newer one this is what we have to work with. It runs fine, we would just like to plug a larger monitor into it to reduce eye strain! LOL

ANY help would be a blessing for sure, and Thank You in advance for any and all info you may be able to share!
The small connector, with the two standoffs next to it, is the location to install the airport (wireless) adapter board.

Your VGA connector is also on the bottom under another hatch. You had the one open that has a coin slot to open - where your memory is installed. Looking on the bottom, further back, you will see a smaller panel, that can be popped open by inserting a screwdriver. And, you will see the standard VGA connector under that panel. No adapter needed.
Interesting software patch, but it can't work on the OP's iMac. CRT model iMacs do not support anything except simple mirroring.
DeltaMac, you flat out rock! Thank You for this info, every manual I have grabbed had NOTHING on this feature!:D

I understand about it just mirroring what is on the screen (no duel screen), and I also understand about he resolutions being the same on both. The reason that I want to use this is just to increase the screen real estate so I don't have to strain the 'ol eyes reading text and such. I mean, once you get use to these 19" and 21" screens it is hard to work on a 15" (13.8" viewable) screen, or a least for me it is!:)

Again, Thanks DeltaMac, and everyone else who took the time to reply!:cool: