iMac updates?

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Daily Player
With the recent eMac updates I feel that apple realy needs to update its iMac line after all I thought the iMac was always superior to the eMac? :confused: anyway the emacs (1.25Ghz) are now faster than the 15"(1Ghz) and just the same as the 17"(1.25Ghz) and even the 20"(1.25Ghz) in terms of CPU speeds. The system bus is also the same speed(167Mhz) as well as the RAM(256Mb) (although i would now expect all apple computers to have atleast 256MB) The iMac still has the edge in HD capacity with the low end Emac only haveing 40Gb (all iMacs 80Gb) but the high end eMac has the same(80GB) The eMac has the new 8x superdrive and the iMac has only 4x so the emac is faster there too.They offer the exact same interms of ports usb 1&2 and firewire. The PRICE witht the reductions in eMac prices I would say even taking into acount the iMacs LCD screen it is not worth the extra money and the eMac upgrades will be killing iMAc sales. I know if I was upgrading I would be heading for the eMac and pocketing the rest of my cash - after all I dont need a LCD that bad!Updates soon? I got hopefull with the 2 consecutive weeks of updates eMac and then iBook/PB but they were both (especialy iBook/PB) widly rumored and were almost sertain on sunday night! there have been no such rumors about the iMac however.

I was wondering when you guys thought they might be updated and what the specs would be?

I would go -

15" 1.25Ghz Combo - $1199
17" 1.33Ghz Super(8x) - $1499
20" 1.5Ghz super (8x) - $1999
I think it would be bad for Apple to continue using the G4 in the iMac lines. They should keep it one step ahead of the eMacs and iBooks. They should shoehorn a G5 (slower than the low-end G5 powermac) into it and into a completely new form factor. Perhaps headless ala cube. Perhaps they could tone down the bus speed and RAM so that it still stays more in line with consumer line, while not competing with their high end.
1.6 Ghz G5 iMac anyone? Knowing apple they will probably put a strap line on the ad saying "64Bit computing for everyone" etc etc...
I very much doubt the iMac would ever be headless - it would cease to be an iMac. If you want a headless Mac thats what the PowerMacs are for ;)
I agree with celeborn - no headless iMacs - they defeat the whole point of an iMac.

I don't see G5 chips in iMacs for a while...

Definately, I can imagine the 1.5GHz G4 range to hit the iMac, and the 1.25GHz chip could become standard on the 15".

A new form factor isn't really necessary yet - the current one is still fresh to the vast majority of the world.
I agree with texanpunguin I dont think there will be a G5 in an iMac for a while and I think they should concentrate on putting a G5 into a PB first (but that discussion is for another thread and there already plenty avalible about it) but I do think they realy need to keep it ahead of the eMac i.e. at least 1.25Ghz. I would like to see the iMac may be reaching past 1.5Ghz though is this possible with G4 chips. The man reason I think that apple wont put a G5 in the iMacs is because I think when they do that they will again redesign then case as they did with G4. The G3 iMac now looks very much like eMac.(otherway around I know) also I think given the current PowerMac update delays it would take a while to update the iMacs to G5 and they need updated soon (very soon!)
Amazon is having a slight sale on iMacs right now. Don't know how long it has been going on but could portend an imminent update, as Amazon usually sells new Macs at list.
I always thought apple was very "tight" with priceing but amazon have knocked wuite a bit off - looks promising but still with all the rumors about the ibook / PB updates you would think someone would have found out something by now -- although there were little / no reports of the eMac updates and that was quite a major update (superdrive especialy) anyway well see!
Isn't it true that PowerMacs will not boot unless a monitor is connected? Or is it without a video card that it won't boot...
Just remembered something I read a while ago, that iMacs were going to be built with magnesium rather than steel to economize. Wonder if that's what we will be seeing soon. But I recently read that the 20" models had to have the base made heavier, so it would seem unlikely that those could be made in Mg unless there were some sort of design change.

My dream iMac would replace that dome shaped base with a Cube-like mini tower-- something that would not necessarily be expandable, but would at least be customer serviceable and upgradeable. Of course, my current, original BondiMac is still going strong (after literally every component possible was replaced or upgraded) but it might just have to meet with an unfortunate accident if Apple ever comes out with an iCube...
jobsen_ski said:
I dont know but I would imagine a video card if not something seems wrong!
Well the idea is to convert a PowerMac into a headless server, or like Virginia Tech, building a cluster of them. It's not reasonable to have the same number of monitors attached to each, nor will a KVM switch be feasible in that volume.
I still like the dome iMac form factor, but my suggestion has always been to have a swapping monitor, like a vaccuum head.

You could then develop one line of monitors for both the Power Macs and iMacs with a special attachment at the bottom of the monitor to lock onto the iMac swivel arm.

You heard it here first…. and in my past posts…..
slo said:
I still like the dome iMac form factor, but my suggestion has always been to have a swapping monitor, like a vaccuum head.

You could then develop one line of monitors for both the Power Macs and iMacs with a special attachment at the bottom of the monitor to lock onto the iMac swivel arm.

You heard it here first…. and in my past posts…..
Yes... the first true Borg Mac. :)
Ok so still no udates, I would have expected something by now! I def. think apple is waiting till WWDC now to mac a "more important" update I still dont think it will be G5 based - powerbooks should go G5 first and the G5 would need a shape change. I think maybe a moderate speed boost lowest model 1.25 next 1.33 and top 20' 1.5 or something and a new graphics card and mayb all new form factors drop the 15' and make it 17' or 19' or 21' or sumit like that - 21' iMac that would bee sweet :> and of course a price drop is always good! oh ye nearly forgot the two top models should have the 8x superdrive! (and mayb the botom model has a 4x)
Why not just wedge a TV tuner in. (yes yes I know all the arguments against convergence of this kind), but it's not exactly gonna cost a lot and would be really nice to have a 21" TV in my spare room that could also function as a computer and and have a swivel arm.

I suppose this could be combined with slo's vision of the swappable screens, have a screen that's a tv then you could wander around the house with your TV screen.
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