iMacs coming straight from Taiwan!


Member that enjoys Meece
Apple must be really trying to get these things shipped fast [VERY HIGH DEMAND], my iMac was shipped directly from Taiwan and is now currently in Japan, awaiting its delivery to Alaska, from there directly to L.A. If you ordered a new iMac, post here when you recieve it.
Why shouldn't they come directly from Taiwan? I mean, where is the reason to send them to a central point into the US or somewhere when you logistics is good enough to deliver it directly!

Here in europe, most things are send directly from Ireland. The german Apple seat in Munich, for example, has a rather small warehouse. Most things come directly from Ireland here (where the PowerMacs and IIRC the displays are manufactured), IIRC my iPod also came directly from Asia.

BTW: Today I called Apple Germany and asked when my iMac will arrive and they told me within the next two weeks *drool

On the back on my iPod it says "made in Taiwan" but I don't know if it has been through Ireland. My G4 says "Assembeled in Ireland"...I've never understood any of this.

btw Ulrik: love your new avatar;)
I agree with ulrik -- where's the good reasoning in not shipping directly from the manufacturing place? In fact, my iPod came straight from Taiwan -- I remember checking that package every 5 seconds. :D

On a totally unrelated note, I was running to get out of a big truck today, and my iPod slipped out of my pocket, bounced a couple times on the ground, and then went into the bushes. I was HELLA scared. But I picked it up, and it was still playing my music nicely -- I just plugged my headphones back in and it seemed to work perfectly, although it looks like I got a big, nasty scratch on the back. The center button was sticking for a bit, but I unstuck it and my iPod's working perfectly again.

Seems like the iPod sure holds up under extreme use. :)
The iPos my be a different story since it is so small, but you would think it would be a lot cheaper to fill a cargo container with a lot of iMacs then to airmail them one at a time...
I think its great that these things are coming straight for Quanta, hey faster delivery right? The only thing that bothers me is Apple does not get a chance to give them a once over, assuming they do for systems shipped from the Apple Store, hell I may be wrong. Anyway my new iMac arrived today, God it is beautiful and fast, no complaints about it whatsoever, probablly one of the best decisions I ever made!
My new Ibook is coming directly from Taiwan according to the shipping tracking thing - taking forever though. Over week so far and I'm itching to get my hands on it

The tracking page is next to useless - it advises on an ETA for delivery but that ETA is only for the next leg of the jounery and it doesn't make it clear how many legs there are or often even where each one is located - just meaningless code numbers.


Hurry up and get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. I'm in the UK.
On the bottom of my current G3 iMac:

"i was Assembled in Mexico."

That's the exact capitalization, btw.
A friend of mine just ordered a new TiBook, it also shipped directly from makes sense that a Mac you order directly from Apple comes directly from where they're assembled...If you ordered it from MacMall or something it'll probably ship from some domestic location.
I guess Apple must send them in bulk and then split them up en route via various depots to actually get them to the end user.

I would have thought it would cost loads to send them all individually!!! ;)

Back to my iBook - next ETA is this monday (18th) but I don't actually know where that means the iBook will be - could be anywhere in Northern Europe!

If you happen to see it going past your house please give it a wave and tell it to hurry up!
I doubt they are actually all individually sent, but in groups of all systems finshed on the same day to the USA, where they are then split up and sent off to thier new owners.
Originally posted by Ricky
On the bottom of my current G3 iMac:

"i was Assembled in Mexico."

That's the exact capitalization, btw.

for some odd reason mine says Assembeled en México. I thought it was funny