imagemagick install


I cant seem to get imagemagick to install.

I have downloaded from here:

and I have tried to follow the install guide, but im no command expert so I must be going wrong somewhere, heres what I do:

I have downloaded:


I dragged this into /Documents/imageMagick (I created this directory) and double clicked the icon, this then created a ImageMagick-6.2.9 directory.

Now looking at the guide on the install page, it says:

ImageMagick RPM's are self-installing. Simply type the following command and you're ready to start using ImageMagick:

rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.2.9-8.i386.rpm

Is this command for linux? terminal doesnt recognise the command.

It then says:

Next, extract the contents of the package. For example:

gzip -dc ImageMagick.tar.gz • tar -xf -

(but for this step I just double clicked the file - like I said above)

then these three commands:

export MAGICK_HOME="$HOME/ImageMagick-6.2.7"



I typed the following:

export MAGICK_HOME="$Users/elliotnewman/Documents/imageMagick/ImageMagick-8.7.0"

export PATH; PATH="$Users/elliotnewman/Documents/imageMagick/bin:$PATH"

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$Users/elliotnewman/Documents/imageMagick/lib"

I must have done something wrong as none of the "convert" commands work...

any ideas? Its quite a tricky install.

You might want to try the suggestions in this thread. From reading that thread, imagemagick looks like it my not be compatible.
If you need the rpm command, you'd have to install it - this isn't standard on OS X.

You can also install imagemagick (with or without X11 interface) using i-Installer. Although this is mainly used for installing TeX/LaTeX stuff, the packages are independent. You wouldn't have to install the TeX stuff in order to install the imagemagick package.

- cfr
I'd have to put another vote towards Fink. It installed and worked perfectly (but this Mac's made me even more lazy so I later bought Graphic Converter :D).