Imap toolkit/ PHP help


Ok, bear with me, i have no idea what im talking about here...

I need to do some webpage-based pop3 email functions, and i thought i could do it through ASP on my server, until i found out they charge extra for that. So i decided it would be good enough to do it in PHP off my iMac, cuase only like 4 people have to use it. I found a good open source script, with a nice tutorial ( Heres my problem.

I went to cause the code wasnt doing anything, and i found that i needed to install some c-client library, and then compile PHP with that activated. I downloaded the c-client library from whereever pointed me to, and then i tried to make it, but i get

Building bundled tools...
cd mtest;make
`cat ../c-client/CCTYPE` -I../c-client `cat ../c-client/CFLAGS` -c -o mtest.o mtest.c
`cat ../c-client/CCTYPE` -I../c-client `cat ../c-client/CFLAGS` -o mtest mtest.o ../c-client/c-client.a `cat ../c-client/LDFLAGS`
/usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lcrypt
make[2]: *** [mtest] Error 1
make[1]: *** [bundled] Error 2
make: *** [bsf] Error 2

whats the deal? is there somethign else i should DL before i even try to make the c-client library? please help, then stay tuned cause ill prolly need some help after i get this squared away too.