Imation ?


Hello everybody !
Does anyone know whether Imation SuperDisks work (through a USB SuperDisk Drive) with MacOS X or whether Apple plans to support it in Jaguar... ?
Works just fine. The drivers are built right into OS X, I use an Imation USB SuperDisk drive w/o any problems.
Last time I checked, regular floppies in an Imation SuperDisk drive work just fine, too.
Wow, strange, I never got floppies to work under OS X. Under 9, there was no problem, of course.
Funny. Any ideas what might've gone wrong ?
In OS X, floppies just wouldn't mount...
Hrmm, floppies won't mount but SuperDisks do? That is strange, are the floppies mac-formatted or pc-formatted? That's really the only thing I could think of ... sorry.
