Immovable File???


Mac Enthusiast
I downloaded a serious of small MP3 files onto my desktop about a week ago and I deleted all of them except one. It won't delete and says that it is being used by another task, even when there's nothing open or if I've just restarted! Can somebody help?
same problem here!!

i have deleted them from my playlists, quit every app, restarted, changed the extension... still wont let me move them anywhere.

I don't have a clue how to use the terminal. My short username is christop and the file is on my desktop, could you tell me what to type into the terminal after it is first openend?
Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf
<put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return>

<give it your admin password and hit return>
You can also just type sudo rm -rf and a space after it and drag the file to the Terminal. It's a nice feature that dragging something to Terminal adds its path...

sudo - A command that executes the commands after it as root (the übergod user of a UNIX system).

rm - The 'remove' command. "-rf" means that the command will be executed 'recursively' and with 'force'. My friend says -rf means 'rapid fire', which is a nice illustration.
sorry guys, but i still don't even know what the Terminal is. isn't there a method for deleting or moving these files using another easy way?

maybe this terminal stuff is easy, but what about for us laymen?
Okay, I figured out how to open the terminal and had to use it for the Chimera Pipeline speedup deal, but it didn't let me perform the commands you guys suggested. The first time i typed it in i got a funny message about "I'm sure you've gotten the usual lecture from the System Administrator.." blah blah blah and then i had to enter my password.