every time i open imoie it starts but while the plug ins areloading it crashes i have no clue
K kennethking Registered Mar 11, 2006 #1 every time i open imoie it starts but while the plug ins areloading it crashes i have no clue
perfessor101 Registered Mar 11, 2006 #2 Open the Console application in /Applications/Utilities and look at the console log. You should be able to identify which plugin is causing the crash. In the long run it might be easier to simply reinstall iMovie but certainly this is worth a try.
Open the Console application in /Applications/Utilities and look at the console log. You should be able to identify which plugin is causing the crash. In the long run it might be easier to simply reinstall iMovie but certainly this is worth a try.
eric2006 iMovie Professional Mar 11, 2006 #3 Reinstalling will probably be the easiest way to go.. http://www.macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268414
Reinstalling will probably be the easiest way to go.. http://www.macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268414