iMovie HD Problem. OSX 10.3.9


iMovie problem i could do with some help with!

I output my movie to a .dv file and compare with original. Fine, yep they look as the same as these eyes can tell!
I then output my short movie to digital dv tape (to Canon XL2) and playback results but it doesn't look the same. The text on the credits is all... degraded, lost its clarity, all bitty.
Now i was led to believe that 0s & 1s were always the same no matter what digital format they were stored on but this reminds me of analogue degradation.
I've tried changing tapes, changing cameras, all to no avail, which just leaves iMovie.
Anyone else come across this? Any solutions? Any directions to investigate?

My technical level is relatively good, been using macs for 10 yrs, OSX since its arrival. Thanks. Very familiar with iMovie.