iMovie troubles recording audio on TiBook


I have a TiBook (G4, 550 mhz, 512 mb ram).

Using iMovie in Panther, I get this error when I try to record audio through the built in microphone on my laptop:

The disk responded slowly. It may have been interrupted by something, or it may not be fast enough for your movie. if you have a lot of audio clips, you might try muting the audio tracks to see if it helps playback speed.

I am pretty sure my Tibook has a 4200 rpm drive, this is slow.. but shouldn't it be fast enough for audio recording? It seems ridiculous to think that I wouldn't be able to simply record audio on here..

Any ideas on how to fix it? (aside from buying a faster HD)
If you get this error, you should use a different recording application like Felt Tip Sound Studio or Cacaphony, and import the sound later.