Import from 10.3 to 10.4 : Mail2 is missing all my emails


hi all,

any further development on a solution to the following Mail2 behaviour ?

1. On import, all my mail is missing. The folders appear to be there but no mail ( was using httpmail for 2 accounts, but even the offline folders are empty)

2. New email is received ( using Postman to POP HTTPmail for now ) but Mail2 just drops it into a white hole.

3. Can't quit Mail2 by cmd-Q. In fact only way is to Force Quit

Tried quitting and rebuilding. Also the Import menu option is not available.

Thanks for your help
Fixed it.. Looks like the httpmail plugin was stopping Mail2 from loading completely so it looked like it was working but no error messages etc.

Just spotlight httpmail and delete all the folders and files associated with it.

Works fine now
I had exactly the same problem. Thankfully I came across your post. I can stop tearing my hair out now. ;-)