In Jaguar is Appletalk really gone? Is there a solution for using Laserwriter printer


Contributing member
So, you folks with Jaguar installed - is Appletalk really gone? If so, how can I use my lusty-trusty-rusty Laserwriter IIg? Is there a workaround solution?
I'm using Appletalk over one of my ethernet cards with a Sonic Microprint ethernet to appletalk bridge that I've had for years. It's there in System Preferences - Network. I don't know about serial to appletalk, though.

Originally posted by Zarembo
So, you folks with Jaguar installed - is Appletalk really gone? If so, how can I use my lusty-trusty-rusty Laserwriter IIg? Is there a workaround solution?
Hey thanks Pjeski. I seem to recall reading Appletalk would be banished in Jaguwire. Glad to hear its not gone!
Why kill AppleTalk? Isn't it still one of the easiest ways to get OS 9 to talk to OS X?

And older games use AppleTalk networks for play, not Ethernet.
Good evening. It sounds like they haven't yet. I recall reading that Apple was going to get rid of it in this version. Perhaps it was killing Appletalk through serial ports. I could have misconstrued their intentions.
...because I'm still printing via Appletalk to my Brother 1270N printer.

However, I'm using the 1270N's ethernet port, not a serial adapter.
No its not gone, just look in your network settings, its there.

Your Laserwriter IIg has ethernet, get an AAUI to 10baseT adapter, I have picked them up for $5 at surplus.

Now printing to it is another matter, last time I tried to use a laserwriter was when 10.1 came out and it did not support any Laserwriter. I think the reason was that osx only drove printers that could handle PS level 3. Now osx printing has totally changed so it might work now.
AppleTalk in OSX does not support PostScript 1; nor does it support the oldest AppleTalk protocols. For example, an HP LaserJet 4M going through an Asante AT-to-eNet bridge will not work for many OSX printing tasks yet works fine for OS9. This is due to the changes in AFP done for OSX (yielding what is not called AFS). AFS does not support the older AT stacks. The solution for many of the older printers (like HP's) is to use an MIO card for ethernet connectivity and enable IP printing. This does not require GhostPrint or any of that garbage. Just assign a legal IP address (, for example) and set that IP as the one you want when you create an IP printer in the OSX Print Center. Be careful not to use an IP address that might be assigned to a Mac for Internet use by a router (, for example) as two devices with the same IP is "no bueno".

All that being said, it sometimes is better to replace that old laserprinter with a new one. I've found the Brother 5070N to be excellent in quality, speed, and compatibility for OS9, OSX, and Windows. I just saw it for a tad over $400 at
When you say that Appletalk does not support Postscript level 1, you are mistaken. Appletalk is a network protocol. Postscript is a printing protocol. What you really mean is that OS X's native printer drivers do not support Postscript level 1 printers, no matter how they are connected.
I'd just like to point out that this thread is REALLY old.

Not to say this discussion isn't relevant - it is - but check the date on the first post.
I use my LaserWriter Pro 600 and I run Jaguar.

I have it connected via LocalTalk to my old 7300 (G3/275) running 9.2.2, and the 7300 connected to the router via ethernet. I use Apple's LocalTalk Bridge so the 7300 can talk to both at once.

My G3/400 running 10.2.8 and my bf's pc running Win2K both print to it without trouble.