in search for a new keyboard


Hello All
Well I think my subject line about says it for me, I need a new keyboard, what I have now is a Logitech MX3000, I bought it before I new it was not 100% compatable with Mac OS, is a nice keyboard but for the most part of, cant use all the freakin features so, looking for yet another ...
I have my eyes o the Logitech Cordless Desktop S 530 but am frazled cause it only seems to come in white, thus meaning will get dirty and not even match my Mac, maybe I'm just being picky but hey...
So what I'm asking is there a good keyboard that you guys may know of, I can use for about say $70. ?
thanks again
ok, sit down before i tell you what keyboard i have...

its a microsoft digital media pro keyboard, and its 100% os x compatible, after installing the software that comes with it. and even without the software it still works fine, as long as you don't mind the locations of the option and command keys being switched. i needed a keyboard and mouse that was going to work with both win xp and os x, and i knew that ms input hardware was quality stuff, and always worked, so i got it, and have never regretted it. and it only cost me 25 bucks after 2 $10 mail-in rebates. so its far less than the 70 you set. so i will always tell people that if they are looking for something other than apple, ms keyboards and mice are great buys.
I'm with Sinclair. After several Logitechs failed, I got Leslye a MicroSoft
cordless keyboard and mouse. Works well, and we didn't bother installing
the software. A mild hassle is needing an AA battery charger (or keeping
a bunch of regular AAs on hand). Cheap at Radio Shack (Tandy if you're
in the UK).
Whatever you might think of their software, Microsoft's peripherals and hardware have always been top notch....unless of course you consider WebTV, but of course that waas purchased. :p