Increase in Slowdowns and Unexpected Quits in 10.3.9


I'll start with a brief history.

I'm running OS 10.3.9 on a Quicksilver 2002 - originally a 933mhz. Two and a half months ago (Thanksgiving weekend) I upgraded several bits of hardware in my system to keep up with my needs (I'm a graphic designer and have been doing more and more 3D work). I added more RAM - I'm now up to 1.5GB, I upgraded the processor to a Sonnet Encore ST G4 1.8ghz, I upgraded the video card to an ATI Radeon 9800 pro, and I added a Micronet 120GB Fantom Titanium external FireWire hard drive. All necessary drivers were installed and I've since made sure than no updates have been released. All in all my system has run smoothly, and been much snappier with shorter boot times, quicker load times for apps, and quicker render times in Strata, Lightwave, and Vue.

Two weeks ago I noticed that my boot times and load times had slowed down to something comparable to what they were before the upgrades. Also around that time two games unexpectedly quit durring gameplay. I wasn't too concerned since they were only games, and I rarely play them anyway. A few days later I started to have them in other applications when I execute certain commands, but again it was a minor annoyance and I had found work arounds. And then a few days ago I started to get them in QuickTime Pro (7.0.2) whenever I used the mouse to click on the fast forward button... and last night I got one in Suitcase XI and in TechTool 4. I checked my logs and each and everyone of these quits has been a "Kern_Protection_Failure"

I've done some troubleshooting, but I still have more to do (such as check for corrupted prefs, use something other than TechTool to check the memory (even though TT says the memory and processor pass its tests, and I need to disconnect all FireWire peripherals to see it may be related to that, as well as finish removing Norton products), but my question at this point is this: If this is related to my new hardware would it take almost 2.5 months to occur? Wouldn't hardware related issues pop up much sooner - especially since I use the computer anywhere from 6 to 10 hours a day (sometimes longer for larger renders)? With the exception of the games the majority of the actions that have caused an unexpected quit have been an action or command I've done on a daily basis.
It sound slike you could benefit from some spring cleaning. Get a program like Onyx and run it on your system.

Heavy use can lead to a number of minor issues, bad cache files, bad permissions, etc. Programs like Onyx will clean all that up and then some.
Thanks, ra3ndy - I'll give that a go and see how it works out.

And out of curiosity - is an Unexpected Quit resulting from a "Kern_Protection_Failure" considered a Kernel Panic? Because right now I'm approaching this as if it is.

Yes, a Kern_Protect_Failure is a kernel panic. A subtle one in comaparison to full-blown system failure, but still, it's in the family.

More info on kernelpanics can be found here
OK, so far so good. I finished clearing out all of my Norton files (BTW, Norton's uninstaller only removes the applications, but leaves Live Update and all of the created prefs... I can sort of understand the preferences, but why leave Live Update? :confused: ) and ran OnyX. My boot time has increased and is back to where it was after my upgrades. ...I can't comment on application start times just yet because I think I was a little over-zealous when I ran OnyX... most of my applications think they're running for the first time, so they're taking a little longer to open.

I haven't experienced any Unexpected Quits/minor Kernel Panics... yet. We'll see how it goes for the rest of the day.

Mmmm... I just realized I forgot to clear out my .lst files...

Two questions about possible hardware issues (both Memtest and TechTool have given my RAM a thumbs up (I'll be running the hardware test on the original installer CD later today)): the first question is: Is there any other software that will test the processor other than TechTool? and the second is: what are the possibilities that I have defective RAM even though various software tests have cleared it?

...Oh, and one more question: I haven't ruled out my unexpected quits as being related to my new video card's driver. It's up to date, but I'm wondering if it's not conflicting with the driver for my pervious card - a factory-installed base model GeForce. Is this possible, and what files would I look for that might pertain to it?
QuadPusher said:
Two questions about possible hardware issues (both Memtest and TechTool have given my RAM a thumbs up (I'll be running the hardware test on the original installer CD later today)): the first question is: Is there any other software that will test the processor other than TechTool? and the second is: what are the possibilities that I have defective RAM even though various software tests have cleared it?

First Question: AFAIK, Techtool and Apple Hardware Test are the two methods for processor testing that are used & trusted. There may be some other programs floating around, but none that I've ever seen.

Second question: The only thing I could propose is that your RAM fails intermitently (if at all). So for the short period of time that hardware tests are running, it's not likely to goof up during that period.

I really don't think you have a problem with your RAM, as Kernel Panics caused by bad RAM tend to cause system-wide panics, forcing you to reboot.
Well, all appears to be OK now. After running around a lot yesterday I was finally able to sit down and do some more diagnostic/maintenance work on my system last night.

Apple Hardware Test found no problems. I updated the Prebinding. And I deleted my .lst files (I had 48... I don't think I've ever let them build up that high before).

...So far I have been unable to cause an Unexpected Quit/Kern_Protection_Failure in any of the instances that would have seen one in the past two weeks. ...With one exception: using the Fast Forward in QuickTime. However, this seems to be limited to only a few specific .mov's - which strongly suggests that in this case the files are problematic, not the system.

Thanks, Ra3ndy. You were right - it looks like I just need to do some spring cleaning to get me back to normal. And thanks for directing me to OnyX... great utility. :)