InDesign Auto Save


One feature that Quark has that's saved my bacon more times than I can remember is it's ability to save consecutive versions of a file to a designated folder. Essentially, each time a user hits "save" a second copy, number consecutively is also saved. This is really good to have in instances when a file gets corrupted or a server is unavailable.

Does InDesign (CS3) support anything similar?
InDesign has a recovery feature, where if the program crashes or if the computer shuts off, it'll prompt you and ask you if you want to recover or ignore the lost file the next time you start the program. This has saved my tail in the past, to bad PS or AI don't have the same function.

Under Library > Prefs > Adobe InDesign > Version x.x

This is where InDesign saves the recovery data by default should there be one that needs to be recovered. This is also where your InDesign prefs get saved to.