Information about compiling GCC under OSX

cc is EGCS therefor gcc, type 'cc -v' and you'll see what I mean. Also do 'cd /usr/bin; cp cc gcc' for convenience. And it is already built on the gcc 2.95.2 code.

[12:13pm] [/Fatbrain/Incoming]> cc -v
Reading specs from /usr/libexec/ppc/2.95.2/specs
Apple Computer, Inc. version cc-796.3, based on gcc driver version executing gcc version 2.95.2
[12:40pm] [/Fatbrain/Incoming]>

[Edited by dark3lf on 10-18-2000 at 11:36 AM]
You are correct that the compilers (cc & c++) are based on gcc, but the issue I was facing was cross-platform compiling...I wanted to build a version of gcc that would output to the Palm Pilot (there is a gcc development kit available for free, but it requires recompiling gcc to allow for multiple build targets, your original platform and the pilot). That was why I was trying to build another verison and ran into trouble.