Install Adium


When i try to install adium...

i drag the adium into my application folder...

after the install says that i do not got enough privileges to change some stuff....

but my MAC OS X, currently only got one account, and that's me...

and i set myself as an Admin.

how come will had this happened?

Go to Applications/Utilities/ and launch Disk Utility... Then click on the First Aid panel, select your volume (normally named Macintosh HD) and then click on repair disk permission...
I did what Tetano told

but the result still remain the same.

when i drag the AdiumX into the application folder.

it says there's already an AdiumX, want to stop or replace.

then i choose Replace.

the actual message is :

the operation cannot be complete because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items.

How can i solve this?

thanks~ ^.^
Can you select the Application folder, then click [apple]+ and report what you see in the Ownership and Permission pane?
ownership & permission:

you can: read & write
owner: system
access: Read & write
Group: admin
Access: Read & write
Others: Read only

sorry for the late reply.....just back home nearly mid night here...:P