Install Mac OS 8 through your web browser!


i followed that link and it automatically started doing something that looked like it was installing 8 on my computer. then a startupscreen comes up in my browser window. i can find no evidence it installed anything thank God, but am curious as to what just happened.

also while checking, i discovered my os 9 system was modified at 5:45 yesterday. i wasn't even home. is this something that osx does every so often or have i been hacked?:confused: :confused:
it is just a little joke... been around for a while... (since OS8 anyway)

it is even cooler when you run it on a pc. hilarious.

about as funny as the old mac instructional cartoon that showed a cat walking across the desk and knocking liquid into the computer. the monitor went into a spasm of flickering and had me freaked for a minute:p
Oh, I know it. Send it to your Wintel buddies...

There's a game in there somewhere, too.

Whoever designed that had way too much time on their hands. It's not a very faithful copy though, there is live window dragging! Maybe they had Power Windows installed :)
Wow, it would be nice if there was a "Mac OS X" version of this. You could send it to your PC buddies to tuant them. "yay! Finally Mac OS X for pc!.... awwww, dangit! it's fake!"

btw, This thing doesn't work in Mozilla.. Apparently Mozilla doesn't like dhtml or something like that...
Anybody can assure me it's harmless so I can finally laugh my a$$ off?? :confused:

/me is still confused
/me is scared

That's real funny!