Install osx with os9


Currently have os9 on Titanium laptop and osx on firewire drive. Did that while getting used to osx.

Now I want to install osx on the laptop, so that it will run faster and to avoid a problem that occurs when I have a freeze in os9 that makes the firewire drive unusable for up to an hours time.

I wish to keep os9, programs and data, but primarily use osx

Just want to know how to proceed with the install. Have 100gig drive, so I have plenty of space. Can I just install osx without wiping out os9? Would that mean I have two system folders on the hd?

In order to prepare for the update I have tried to run carbon copy clone from the firewire osx to make a disk image backup of the os9 laptop but it would not allow me to select the firewire disk as a target for the os9 source.

Any help or pointers to another post that would describe the steps would be greatly appreciated.


'In order to prepare for the update I have tried to run carbon copy clone from the firewire osx to make a disk image backup of the os9 laptop but it would not allow me to select the (MacOS X based) firewire disk as a target for the os9 source.', or - you could boot from the Firewire drive, launch 'Disk Utility' ('Applications/Utilities/' folder), and 'File, New, Disk Image from Folder...' menu item, select the System 9.2.2 volume, etc.

'Would that mean I have two system folders on the hd?', no - you will have a 'System Folder' folder (of System 9.2.2) and a 'System' folder (of MacOS X).

'I wish to keep os9, programs and data, but primarily use osx', during the MacOS X installation process - do not select 'Erase and Install' via the 'Options...' button's selections.

thank you for the response. am in the process of making the disk image backup per your instructions. so far so good.

couple more questions, if you please:

once i have installed osx:

1. in order to boot to either system at startup i assume i would hold the option key as i do now to select the system i wish to boot from, correct?

2. can i just copy and paste the applications that i have installed on the osx firewire drive to the newly installed osx on the laptop or will i need to reinstall? or is this the part of the install procedure that deals with migration?

thanks again for your response.

'... in order to boot to either system at startup i assume i would hold the option key', yes. Or via either System 9.2.2's 'Control Panels' 'Startup Disk' or MacOS X'es 'System Preferences' 'Startup Disk' - select the other OS to boot from.

'... can i just copy and paste the applications that i have installed on the osx firewire drive to the newly installed osx on the laptop or will i need to reinstall?', it is best to install than copy (in the manner you propose) - since many applications (and / or their installers) place files and / or folders of items in various other folders ('/Library/' or '~/Library/' wise).
However, if you want a perfect copy of the existing MacOS X, on the Firewire drive, to be installed on the PowerBook's hard disk drive, consider 'Carbon Copy Cloner' (freeware). I have used it successfully with Jaguar (10.2.x), Panther (10.3.x), and Tiger (10.4.x).

'... or is this the part of the install procedure that deals with migration?', I never used the 'Migration Assistant' ('/Applications/Utiltiies/'); however, if it is as efficient as the 'Archive and Install' feature of installing a new version of MacOSX - I would think twice before using it.

If the Firewire drive version of MacOS X is working as you want, then use 'Carbon Copy Cloner' to copy it onto the PowerBook's hard disk drive.
Also, backup the existing PowerBook's hard disk drive contents, just in case.