Installed Darwin and have 2 questions


I installed Darwin from apple's website and the install went ok, but i am having a wee bit of troubles and a couple questions.

1.) I cannot get X Windows to run even though it looks like it is installed. I have tried to enter startx initx and any other variant I could think of with and without full directories. Am i wrong in thinking that X windows should be ready to roar?

2.) I am pretty comfortable in the command line and have been using OS X for a while and have dabbled with a few different versions of Linux, but I cannot remember where to set the Hostname and the IP of the machine. Where are they located?

FYI, I do not have OS X installed on this machine, only Darwin. I do have access to my other machines that have OS X on them that I can SSH to the Darwin machine with. Also, Since i have done virtually nothing on this machine yet, if i have to reinstall Darwin to do something differently I have no problems with that. This install is basically just a test anyways.