Installed Jaguar 6c98


Humble God
I just installed Jaguar Build 6c98. I've only had it on for about an hour but I must say, this is fast! In terms of basic things like window resizing and finder navigation it seems like I've upgraded to one of those Dual 1ghz systems, the kind of speed I've only been able to play with on the monstrously expensive G4 systems they have to display at computer stores.

Also, I think Quartz Extreme is definantly on. My evidence: pressing "use openGL" in iTunes visualiser options does NOT result in a performance increase anymore because its using OpenGL either way!!!

Also minimizing is much faster and its anti-aliased so it looks better.

Have any questions? Ask away!

My computer is a 667mhz Powerbook G4 (kind with the 16mb radeon) BTW.
I was reading about the speed increasements that include graphics and I began doubting that any increasements will occur on my machine:

G3 466Mhz iBook, ATI 128- Rage Pro as my graphics card.

What do you think, oh great Jaguar Guru? :D
I have G3/500 ATI Rage 128 Pro too. It seems Quartz Extreme is for Radeon users, or NVidia GeForce, I can't remember and I'm pathetic at video cards.

But I remember it's not for us ATI users.
hmm...I don't know. I could test Jaguar on my B&W G3 with a Rage 128 and see what happens. If you look on Apple site, however, it seems to imply you WILL get a graphics speed boost.

Apples Jaguar Site

Look on the bottom of the page.
"Quartz Extreme functionality is supported by the following video GPUs: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX, or GeForce4 Ti or any AGP-based ATI RADEON GPU. A minimum of 16MB VRAM is required."

So forget it, if you've got an ATI Rage 128 (like me)...
Rage 128 users (like me...iBook 500 and iMac 600) will still see major boosts in speed from Jag-Wire. From all reports, it seems everything has been made faster and that the speed boost from 10.1.5 to 10.2 is bigger than that from 10.0.4 to 10.1, regardless of system. I would imagine that QE-supported systems will see a bigger jump, but us folks with the older machines will still benefit from code optimizations.
I have installed this on two machines.

iMac/233 rev B - 256 Mbytes RAM

G4/400 AGP Radeon 32MB - 576 Mbytes RAM

Colorsync - I can run colorsync on the iMac no problem but not at all on the G4/400. I cannot even select a color profile on it.

2D redraw - Faster on my iMac than on the G4. Yes that is right. FASTER. I seem to have no redraw on my G4 at all. Minmizing to the dock is almost instant on the iMac/233 but takes about a second on the G4. The only difference is that the iMac's minimization is jumpy. The G4's is very smooth.

Disk and Network i/o - Obviously this is very fast on my G4. It is improved on my iMac but not as fast as I would like it to be.

Appllications seem to be faster on the G4 except for the redraw. Overall it's fast. Very very fast. I don't know if my ISP doubled my bandwidth or if im just seeing increased performance in 10.2 Anyway, there you go.
I have 6c106 running on a B&W G3/400 with 384M or runs fast as hell...there's a good boost of speed from 10.1 builds
How did you get the latest build? are you a member of the apple development thing?

My mom ordered the iMac snow so i'm finding out shes getting 10.2 for 19.95. I'm wondering how it will perform on the G3. She might just give me the upgrade instead though for my G4.
Please let us know how windows shares work, i mean how fast is networking with windows PCs.
Here on my 100mbit LAN the speed is pathetic between Mac and PC around 250k/s and between PC and PC aroung 6-7MB/s. And the finder CPU usage is very high around 90% :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Frederic
"Quartz Extreme functionality is supported by the following video GPUs: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX, or GeForce4 Ti or any AGP-based ATI RADEON GPU. A minimum of 16MB VRAM is required."

So forget it, if you've got an ATI Rage 128 (like me)...

Sh*t. (iMac 700Mhz G3, ATY Rage 128 Pro2 here)

Will there be ANY speed increasement ??

Originally posted by senne
Sh*t. (iMac 700Mhz G3, ATY Rage 128 Pro2 here)

Will there be ANY speed increasement ??


With an "old" card, there is a speed increasement, but obviously not as important...
I have a G4 466 and I have tried Jag DP1 on it both befor and after getting a RADEON, and Jaguar is drastically faster either way, but you do see another drastic speed boost after putting in a Quartz Extreme graphics chip. If you go to Apple's Quartz Extreme page, they have charts of how much faster things run in 10.1, Jag, and Jag with QE. Also, I got my RADEON on eBay for $40, so you might want to shop around and see if you can't get a RADEON or GF2 for your machines that came with a RAGE; I wouldn't want to be running WarIII on my RAGE anyways :)
Originally posted by senne

Sh*t. (iMac 700Mhz G3, ATY Rage 128 Pro2 here)

Will there be ANY speed increasement ??


Yes, you will see a huge speed improvement.

Window resizing may be a bit choppy still, but you will still be amazed.
mr.sector wrote:

Here on my 100mbit LAN the speed is pathetic between Mac and PC around 250k/s and between PC and PC aroung 6-7MB/s.

I am now writing:
I'm not sure how you have your LAN set up, but our PC connects to our iMac via PC/MacLan and pushes data at around 5-7 MBPS. We have also connected to the PC via OS X's currently awkward SMB connection and get excellent speed that way as well. With 10.2, you can expect easy PC connectivity and great speed.

In case anyone cares, I ran a series of tests using our iMac OS X "server" [not a true server, just has file sharing turned on and we keep all our shared files there]. I also did the same tests on our old Windows 2000 server [true server]. The Win2K server was a PII450 and the iMac is a G3400, so somewhere in the same ballpark in terms of speed. The iMac was about 10% faster at serving files and it's not even set up as a true server! Those speeds were consistent when moving files to/from Macs or PCs. OS X can move files around quite nicely, WAY better than OS 9 used to.
Any ATI card that uses AGP is supported for Quartz Extreme. That includes 8MB Rage 128s like the one in my CRT iMac. The speed jump will just be less than the 16 and 32MB cards get.
BTW, 6C98 is WAAAAY faster than 10.1.5 on my machine. And it looks gorgeous! :D
Originally posted by genghiscohen
Any ATI card that uses AGP is supported for Quartz Extreme. That includes 8MB Rage 128s like the one in my CRT iMac.
QE supports 16 MB cards and above, according to Apple specs. It's listed as a requirement. Sure, it may work on lesser cards, but it's not supported.

'Ey, what's with the state flag of Finland as your av? :eek:
Originally posted by nichrome
QE supports 16 MB cards and above, according to Apple specs. It's listed as a requirement. Sure, it may work on lesser cards, but it's not supported.

'Ey, what's with the state flag of Finland as your av? :eek:

Ah, so my 16MB 128 Rage Pro will work just finnneeeee with QE?
