Installed Tiger now need to remove 10.3


Hi There,

When I installed Tiger I chose to just upgrade. Everything went well. I have no problems. In fact I really love the new look&feel.
BUT my question is ...

Has Tiger removed the 10.3 files etc that are not necessary any more?

If yes then great
If no - then Can I get rid of these files? (to free up some space etc?)

When an 'Archive and Install' is performed - numerous files of the previous System are retained for access by the User, in the newly created 'Previous Systems' folder.

When an 'Upgrade' is performed, no such 'Previous Systems' folder with retained files (referred above) moved to it - is created. Any new or updated low-level files used by the newly installed System will be created, whether or not any similar files previously existed. Other files, such as - preferences, logs, and caches, will be retained.

You should not have to remove any files.