Installing Classic/OS 9 after Panther?

bunner bob

I recently installed Panther on my G4 Quicksilver 933 (using the "Upgrade" disks - I first installed Jaguar, then did an erase & install to get a nice clean disk).

I tried installing Classic (OS 9.2) from the original disk that came with my G3. It said it couldn't install on the disk unless I wipe and install! I thought I could just install a Classic system folder on this disk.

I ended up copying over a System Folder from another drive, which worked fine once I rebuilt desktops & such. But how would I go about installing it from a CD?

Didn't appear to be a classic installer on my Panther disks. Is there one on the full-install disks (as opposed to the upgrade disks)?

Nope, you need an actual OS 9 installer CD (which has a large orange 9 on it). You can find these either standalone or coupled with any OS X before Panther.
Hmm - not for sale on Apple's site or MacConnection. Suppose I can keep floating the same drag-copy around from machine to machine...

Is there not a Classic install on the full-install version of the Panther disks?
Thanks Cheryl. I bet that's my problem - I bet I didn't check the box to install OS 9 drivers. That would explain the message I got. However, things do seem to be working okay with my drag-copied version of OS 9.

The sites you suggested - the middle one has nothing related to OS X or OS 9 at all, except a copy of Office X. The last link appears abandoned. Just so you know.

Thanks for the info. When I last checked, they were all working and had many products. And that was only a few weeks ago.

Did you try calling Mac Connection or try MacMall or MacWarehouse (which is owned by CDW) ... They should have something sitting on those back shelves.
Well, I'm trying to do the same thing. However, I can't get my G4 to boot from the OS 9 disk when rebooting from a cold system. (cold meaning all the way off and not a restart). I press 'c' like I could generations before and OS X start up screen comes through. WTF?

Am I missing something in this process? I'm using OS X.3 on the Powerbooks. I hate classic and would like to reformat two Powerbooks using this process. However, I need from this post the following:

1. How to. Is there a web link that has a How to Install.
2. I'm thinking about Yellow Dog Linux as well. Three OS's. One box.
3. I really only want StarOffice or Open Office and that's why Linux. It's worth it for the couple of bucks and dinner converstaion.

