Installing KDE Gnome and other window managers

Nevermind I was confused on what files you were talking about and what files I saw in the manual. Everything is set up and a ran sudo fink list and got a bunch of files should I just find the gnome files and download them? I still can't access the gnome bundle off fink what should I do now? Sorry if this is sounding stupid but I really am thankful that you all are helping me.
Well, if apt-get doesn't work for you (strange, what about dselect?), then you can do it with the 'fink install packagename' comamand.

Run in terminal:

fink list gnome

That will give you all the gnome packages you can install.

But it is important, before you start installing from source, to run:

fink selfupdate-cvs

After the update you can start installing with 'fink install'.

Just saw your message, but...

.....I have to run, I'm going out for dinner and I'm late.

For the moment to test it, run XDarwin full screen and from an xterm or eterm run:

gnome-session &

See how it goes.

I will come back later.

Now, you can write at the end of your ~/.xinitrc file:

exec gnome-session

make sure your file looks like this:


# If you login from xdm, uncomment this to make error messages appear
# in the console window.
# tail -f /Users/brandg/.xsession-errors > /dev/console &

exec gnome-session

Then start XDarwin, and gnome will take over.

Ok gnome is working. And in that file it said something like Make Windowmaker the default window manager. So I deleted that in the file /.xinitrc and now Gnome is telling me that I am not running a compliant window manager. What should I do?
Either you configure a window manager like windowmaker, enlightenment, icewm, etc to work with gnome or you write in your ~/.xinitrc file :


# If you login from xdm, uncomment this to make error messages appear
# in the console window.
# tail -f /Users/brandg/.xsession-errors > /dev/console &

exec gnome-session

Try and let me know.

No it's still not working. Windowmaker is still there with all the icons that take up space. How would I get rid of the icons or just hide them?

Thanks again

# If you login from xdm, uncomment this to make error messages appear
# in the console window.
# tail -f /Users/hydroglo/.xsession-errors > /dev/console &

exec gnome-session
Install enightenment or icewm window managers, or both:

'fink install enlightenment'

'fink install icewm'

Then, write in the ~/.xinitrc file:

exec gnome-session


exec gnome-session

I was using icewm but I like enlightenment a lot better. It also depends on what you do. Get both of them and try it out.