Installing new HDD


I installed a new HDD on a Macbook Pro. I restarted it with the Mac OS X operating system disk on it. I pick the language and user agreement. Then when it ask to where to install the operating system there is no drive detected, the center box was empty. Dis I missed something? Do I need to format the new drive prior? How I do it?
Yes, a new HD will usually need to be formatted.
Here's how to do that:
Boot to your installer DVD.
At the screen where you would choose a drive, open Disk Utility, from the Utilities menu,
Select your new hard drive, then click the Erase button. Make sure that the format is MacOS Extended (journaled), then name your partition, if you want to do that. Click the Erase button, and in a few seconds, that will complete. Quit Disk Utility, which will return you to the installer. Your hard drive should now be visible, so select it, and continue with the install.