Installing phpBB on my iMac


Gone !

I have downloaded phpBB and started reading the readme and install files.

I'd like a bit of help from the Mac OS X community to understand how do I set my iMac to be able to run the phpBB forums :

1) How do I install the last version of PHP on my Mac ?
2) How do I install MySQL on my Mac ? Which one ?
3) Do I need to install anything more ? What do I need to do ?

I don't know anything about installing PHP or MySQL - I roughly know what this is, but I have only very little competence on the subject. I am simply aiming at installing and running the phpBB forum on my Mac :), as an addition to my website which will have topics about my studies, design, role-playing games and some more stuff, such as scuba, layout apps, etc.

I'm waiting for advice. Thanx for any post that can guide me to install PHP/MySQL/phpBB so I can get the whole running smooth as fast as possible !
So you can install phpBB and have it running without MySQL ? The phpBB readme says you need some MySQL base to run the forums. True ?

Very kind to offer your help. Thanx !
There're enough tutorials for installing PHP and MySQL on this site to choke a horse. Just do a search and you'll come up with lots of info on how to do it.
Hey, great link !!! Had already accessed some articles via Google. I'm bookmarking this one for sure, thankz Andy.