I am trying to install phplist locally on my ibook. I installed mysql database, and it is working fine. I created a new user in mysql, and a new database.
PHP is working fine too.
To install phplist, I moved the folder into the /sites folder. I have to put in the database information in the config.php file. Here is what I have done so far (where xxxx represent the values I have put in):
But I am doing something wrong, because I get an error
Can any one suggest what I might be doing wrong here?
Appreciate your help.
I am trying to install phplist locally on my ibook. I installed mysql database, and it is working fine. I created a new user in mysql, and a new database.
PHP is working fine too.
To install phplist, I moved the folder into the /sites folder. I have to put in the database information in the config.php file. Here is what I have done so far (where xxxx represent the values I have put in):
# what is your Mysql database server
$database_host = "xxxx@localhost";
# what is the name of the database we are using
$database_name = "xxxx";
# who do we log in as?
$database_user = "xxxx@localhost";
# and what password do we use
$database_password = 'xxxxx';
# if you change the path to the PHPlist system, make the change here as well
# path should be relative to the root directory of your webserver (document root)
# you cannot actually change the "admin", but you can change the "lists"
$pageroot = 'localhost/~xxxx/mailinglist';
$adminpages = '/lists/admin';
But I am doing something wrong, because I get an error
Cannot connect to database, please check your configuration
Can any one suggest what I might be doing wrong here?
Appreciate your help.