Installing second HD on a dual G5


I am running Tiger on a dual 2.0 G5 Powermac. I have just purchased a 400 gig SATA HD to compliment the 160 gig HD in there already.

I installed the HD into the G5 no probelm. Very easy. I then booted up the mac and got "Disk Instertion. The disk you inserted is not readable by this computer".

There is a button which says "initialize".
So I click this and it opens disk utility. On the left are the two hard drives. the one with my operating system and the new drive. So I click on the new drive, and the box on the right says, " first aid, erase, RAID and partition. No sign of format HD.

So what do I do now? Help!

Thanks in advance.
Click on the drive name of your new drive, not the volume name if it has one and then select partition. Select the partioning scheme you want and what format you want and click partition.
OK thanks Tommo.
So if all I want is an extension of the first HD, I select 1 partition. Also it asks what type I want. What is Journaled? Do I select that or not? I just need the space for final cut pro Hi Def capturing.