Installing security certificates for Safari, Mail,...


I am still wondering how to install security certificates since the Mail version in Panther gives error messages about 'certificate' that could not be found...

Whil looking for info I found this:

So I tried a couple of things but still don't get there. I don't even know how to figure ou which format the certificates are in... Does anyone know ho to do this.

I think this is something where there is work to do for Apple. I hope rather soon than late.
That should be it, but apparently it doesn't work for one reason or another...
Mail freezes when I try to option drag, so I tried to get the certificate through the website of my mailserver and I put it on the desktop, then I dragged that to Keychain, but that didn't do anything...

Btw. I have a certificate that ends in .der and another one (from my bank) that ends in .crt. Both fail to 'do' anything when dragged to keychain...