...So?Originally posted by boi
full article here.
Originally posted by simX
In other news, azosx continues his pointless trolling!
(If you are so hell-bent on "proving" that the Mac sucks, why don't you just ditch your two Macs you claim to own? Like that will happen before hell freezes over.I wonder why....)
Originally posted by vitaboy
So unless Apple comes out with an 8-way processor desktop G4 for the same price as a dual-processor G4 in the winter, I'm afraid Apple will continue to experience stagnation in pro desktop sales....and seriously, unless we see 2.0+ GHz G5s by Christmas, anything less than an 8 processor model will look (emphasis on look) pretty anemic to Intel's offerings
Originally posted by vanguard
Respectfully, it seems like you've been jumping on anybody who posts anything that's even slightly anti-apple. I think the current state of affairs is fairly well known and agreed upon.
Apple has a very nice Operating System that runs on attractive but slow hardware. Also, their warranty isn't as long as what you normally see in the PC industry.
I would guess that you find the lack of speed a small price to pay for the other benefits that Apple provides. Other people are finding the performance problems too much to ignore. The fact that performance is critical to some people doesn't make them bad, it's just makes Apple's machine insufficient.
Originally posted by ricky
I don't see the point of starting a thread where "Intel puts out a 3 GHz processor" is the main focus. This is as obvious as saying "Computers are getting faster! :B"
Originally posted by terran74
I think you put on there a G5 when you meant to put G4. Id like to offer this correction for you.
Yes Apple should come out with faster G4's soon and next spring it should begin preparing us for the 64 bit version of the G5. As we all know G5's are 64 bit and would require even more development to convert apps from 32 to 64 bit. Putting a 64 bit chip in a machine with a 32 bit OS and apps would be like having a 16 lane highway but only letting people drive on 8 lanes and just doing nothing with the other 8. Even if you get a 64 bit clean OS, the OS would use all the lanes but the apps would only be allowed to use half.
Let's stick with the G4 just a tad bit longer, mkay?
Personally i would like to see Apple Sparq it up. Sell off its AIM assets and just go with an Oracle/Sun/Apple Alliance. Continue to use the G4 for another year and a half but rather than moving to the G5, go ahead and count its losses and just move to Suns 64 bit chip.
Originally posted by simX
vanguard, I very much appreciate it when someone like you addresses me respectfully with regards to my opinion.
It's not that I jump on everybody that's slightly anti-Apple. It's just that lately in these forums, azosx has been going around trolling every little thing that the Mac platform doesn't offer, chanting like those analysts did last year that Apple is going to die out in a month. That's what I hate.
Yes, Apple is between a rock and a hard place. I never said it wasn't. Apple needs to ditch Motorola AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and Apple knows it. But moving to AMD (like azosx is chanting everywhere) is NOT the best and only solution at this point. Apple still has some life left with the G4 (and contrary to what azosx seems to think, Altivec DOES have a measurable performance benefit)
So Apple still has some time to decide on what it's going to do. Maybe Apple will snatch up the PPC assets from Motorola (which are up in the air soon, aren't they?) and couple with just IBM to crank out better and faster processors than Motorola ever could or ever wanted to. Maybe Apple WILL end up going to AMD. I'm not against that. I just think that the G4 is not getting as much respect as it should be around here, lately. It is a perfectly acceptable chip at lower clock speeds than what Intel and AMD offer. Yes, the performance gap is starting to widen a bit again, and like I said, Apple needs to find someone other than Motorola to rely on, soon.
But I don't need to hear all of these shallow and across-the-board complaints about the G4 from someone who claims to have two Macs. If he had a bit of sense about him, he'd realize that the software that Apple provides makes up for the slightly worse performance of the G4 chip compared to Intel and AMD chips out there.
The situation that Apple is in right now is not as bad as azosx makes it out to be. And that's why I am "jumping" on him whenever he opens his mouth, because all he can seem to do is troll around here and start blabbing about how Apple needs to release 482193951293.39203952035 GHz AMD Macs this afternoon.
Originally posted by LordOphidian
It also is a totaly different arch, so you would have to get all new apps. With the G5, while your apps might not be 64bit clean, they will still run just fine. Transitioning to the G5 (or Power4 for that matter) would me quite a bit smoother and more cost effective than going to the Sparc.