Intel iMac 20" Monitor - Turn On/Off


Issac Newton loves Apple

I have an Intel iMac 20". I realised, since I bought my iMac, that to turn the screen of the iMac off, I needed to put my computer to sleep, or to configure my computer to shut down the monitor each minute inactive (which I did). The thing that bugs me the mest is that, the Turning the monitor off thing... after one minute without touching the mouse, works... but it doesnt work when Im playing a game.

My question is this... Is there an easy way to shut my monitor down while Im doing doesnt mather what on my Mac. I wish I could set one of my keys on my keyboard... to shut the monitor whenever I want... Is it possible? Otherwise, what can I do to turn my monitor off without waiting a minute or when Im playing a game?

Many thanks to this fantastic Community of free support, and its great mods...

Hi Gab,

I was looking for this too.

The only way I could find was using "hot corners": System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver tab > Hot Corners... > assign a corner to "Start Screen Savers"

That way, when you move the pointer into the designated corner, the monitor turns off.

Let me know if you find a better way!!!

Here, you should try and search on Google Brightness Control, its a program for mac that will help you change your brightness on your monitor. Sorry if I wasnt more helpful. It really does stink... I hoped that the iMac would have a buttom to shut down ONLY the monitor...
It is kinda a drag, especially when I want the iMac to render something overnight, changing the energy saver options to 1 minute every time, etc. I have a completely black picture that is set as a hot corner, but the screen still glows black..
Eric, what I use on my Mac... is this... ---> System Preferences --> Energy Saver --> Put the display to sleep when computer is inactive for: 1 minute. I use this to let me computer working overnight and the screen shut down. ;) It is the same as you, but I let this options always on, because even if I want to go to the bathroom, or go to the fridge and take something to eat, I still prefer to make my monitor shut down automatically to save evergy. Also because those flat screen monitors die after I while using it...
Yeah, but some applications don't keep the computer "awake", - iMovie to name one. So if I watch anything over a minute.. it's bad. It's all worth it, though, for the all-in-one beauty of the iMac.
When I play games and I want to take a little break... I always need to close the game because the monitor saving option does not work... it sucks... you know... another quick question... in windows... when I wanted to come back to the desktop while I was playing or using a full-screen program or game, I could simply press Alt+Esc or Crl+Alt+Del... how does it work for a MAC? When I play a game, for instance, and I want to get back to the desktop, what should I press to hide the game (minimize)? Thanks,
It's different for every game, but you can try Apple-H (hide), Apple-Tab (switch applications), expose.. that's all I can think of. If the game re-sized your resolution, when you temporarily switch out, you could get the same resolution as in the game.