interesting program from M$

Hmm. I spotted this one this morning. It is another interesting tool for the belt, and would be very useful if you have to maintain Windows machines.
I used this alot at my job when I was running on my PC. After this came out last week I have one less excuse to use the windows machines there. Amazingly I have found it runs a ton faster than it did on my XP machine and my win2k machine.
ironically im unable to log into my computer at work. :)

i think a firewall is up.. will have to talk to IT about it.
Luckily I get to administer my firewall at work so it is nice that I can get stuff done from home in the evenings and on weekends. or is it? well anyway, it is a great tool;)
I have RDC installed on OS X (10.1.5), and the 98/95 version installed on my PC. However, the machines are not seeing each other. I suspect it has something to do with my Linksys router (both machines share files and a cable internet connection).

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!!
it will only work from RDC for osx to a system running wink 2k, NT4, or XP that has terminal services or remote access running
Does anyone know if this will work with Win2000 Pro? The MS webpage only lists Win2000 Server.

I couldn't connect to my Win2000 Pro printserver, but I don't want to mess with the PC too much (someone mentioned terminal services or remote access have to be running) because if I restart it my Mac won't be able to print any more (based on 2 past experiences). I have my order in for OS 10.2, so I'm not messing with the PC until it ships.
I must be confused, then. The version I downloaded from the MS site (and installed properly on my PC) said it enabled Terminal Services on win 95 and 98, Apparently that excludes OS X??
the program does not allow other computers to gain access to your computer, it is to gain access to another computer the has terminal services or another variant installed, which is win2k, NT or xp only
Originally posted by Dave N
Does anyone know if this will work with Win2000 Pro? The MS webpage only lists Win2000 Server.
To quote the RDC download page (

To use Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac, you need network access and permissions to connect to a Windows-based computer running Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services. These services are included with the following Windows products:

* Windows XP Professional
* Windows .NET Standard Server
* Windows .NET Enterprise Server
* Windows 2000 Server
* Windows 2000 Advanced Server
* Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
* Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
Though I can't say I've ever heard of a .NET "Server".
i was about to come on the board and ask if such a program existed...and lo and behold, the first post on the board gives me a link to it.


thanks a ton!
Anyone know if there is a way to use Windows XP over RDC without having to log off on the Windows XP box?
I have looked everywhere and I have not found it. I like how it works in win2k, I hate logging out the other system when you log in