International iTunes Music Store in October?


Universal Traveler
Apple plans to make its Music Store available in Europe in October. This was explained by Bart Cools, Managing Director of EMI Switzerland in a story by the actual m4music-newsletter at a meeting (Symposium) of the swiss music branch.

And for those of you who can read (German?), here's the full story.;)
I hope so. Europe is becoming a huge Apple market.

You may ask why an American wants this. Well, my life has me dealing with individuals from other countries and I seem to come across more Apple users among them. Apple in government? I see it more and more (that's coming from NEVER seeing an Apple computer in any government shop). They seems to be using the home machines at home and are trying to get Apples into their IT shops. That tells me there are a lot of European Apple users.
Me don't care about governments. And government offices quite surely don't _need_ an iTunes Music Store. But me privately, I'd very much like access to the services that Apple sells their machines with (marketing-wise). I _still_ can't make a photo book with iPhoto? Oh, drag...

Gimme my iTMS! :)
Europe has always been a huge Apple market, although somewhat - and inexplicably - neglected by the good folks in Cupertino.

I should hope that the Apple Music Store will be up and running in Europe very soon - there is huge demand for it.

There area hell of a lot of European Apple users, and not just in the UK, but throughout the Scandinavian countries especially.
Europe has always been a huge Apple market, although somewhat - and inexplicably - neglected by the good folks in Cupertino.
Blame the lawyers in Europe for this one. When the Store opened, there were some articles about how the myriad copyright laws and music distribution rights in Europe were muddling up the process.