Internet Connect Question


Is there a way to stop Internet Connect from "internet sharing"? My VPN client is routing between two networks while connected and is creating a HUGE security risk. Thanks for your help!
I don't understand your question exactly. Do you mean you're connected to the internet, then to a VPN to (office or something) and another VPN somewhere else (say, school), which opes the school to your office via you ?
Here is the situation:

Network 1 (5 Windows 2000 Domains)

Network 2 (8 Windows 2000 Domains)

Both are connected to the Internet and are separate companies and domains. I have a contractor sitting at a client’s site (network 2) and when he uses the Mac Internet Connect VPN client, his Mac becomes a bridge/router between the 2 networks. This is a HUGE security hole. On the Microsoft VPN client, you have the option to turn off “internet sharing” which does not route traffic. The Mac VPN client does not have this option. Also, the Mac has “internet sharing” OFF in the system preferences. I need some help on this.

Thanks for replying!
Ok I see what you mean, you're right that is a nice big hole. What VPN server is he connecting to, and is he using PPTP or L2TP ?

Another thing to consider : does he really need the full VPN functionality, or can he get by well enough not to hamper productivity without it (with FTP/Samba/SSH etc) ?

It's also interesting that Internet Sharing is turned off but it bridges anyway. How exactly have you determined that bridging is taking place ?

(PS I've had problems with Cisco VPN server and Internet Connect--they don't like each other it seems).