Internet Connected, But...


After someone at work fooled with my computer (dead end they cant help me)...I connect to the internet (via wi fi) fine but....when I open my browser na da...

did the network diagnostic - dont remember the exact readout - but essentially red lights on the bottom two and doesnt present any solutions....

Hmm, that's not a lot of information. Are you getting an IP address? Check Systeme Preferences--> Network. what IP are you getting under the Airport? It should be a private IP like 192.168.x.y or at 10.x.y.z.

Also, in Advance..., check the DNS tab. what does it have?

If all fails, you can delete the files that hold your internet settings.
/Users/you/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguation/. You can safely delete the:, NetworkInterfaces.plist and preferences.plist.
You will need to reboot your machine.
This will remove all your internet, Ethernet, wireless configurations.