Internet connection in panther!!



I cant seem to connect to the internet on my 56k phone line as fast as i could on my desktop pc. a message like "please enter [my so-and-so ISP telephone number] and click ok when it starts to ring." i do so, then when it rings, i click ok. somehow it doesnt seem to connect that way. [before, it did.]

im an ordinary ibook user...i just do miss surfing on my ibook.

one more thing: the "disconnecting" prompt on the right side of the screen, the one that scrolls left to right when you try to disconnect, just doesnt seem to disappear except if you restart the ibook. this is getting to be a real pain in the. :(

kind souls, please help.
silly me...i checked the "manual connect" box on the internet connect dialog box...i unchecked it, and voila, i could surf again!

but still, the "disconnecting" scrolling line still seems to be a bit of an unsolved problem. thanks!
First welcome to! Need a little more info about your problem, have you entered all of the necessary information in Network preferences? If you are on a dial up this info will be identical to you pc dial-up settings. Just make sure that they are entered correctly. If you have done all of this and still get an error message, could you take a screenshot or even post a quote of the exact message? Also, are you dialling from the PPP tab in Network Preferences where it says "Dial Now..." or from the bar at the top of your mac os x screen?
Regarding your problem with disconnecting, I also have experienced this problem on powerbook G4 and DP 867 Mhz running panther and Jaguar. It's happened in different places and ISP's so it isn't the telephone line at fault. Over on the discussion boards there are other more people with this same problem. Sorry can't be of any more help!
ok about the modem disconecting thing in the right hand corner there is an applescript fix for this at version tracker i cant find the link for it but if you pm me your email address ill send it to you :) (p.s i get that same problem to) :(
newton_the_one said:
Sorry, I didn't really understand the problem (fortunately it was fixed)
Could someone explain what's a "56K" connection?

hi. 56k is the type of connection speed your phone line can accommodate (earlier, around three years ago, it was just 33.6k). 56k means 56,000 byte speed. thats pretty slow compared to DSL which uses a dedicated internet cable. hope that answers your question! ;)
lilbandit said:
First welcome to! Need a little more info about your problem, have you entered all of the necessary information in Network preferences? If you are on a dial up this info will be identical to you pc dial-up settings. Just make sure that they are entered correctly. If you have done all of this and still get an error message, could you take a screenshot or even post a quote of the exact message? Also, are you dialling from the PPP tab in Network Preferences where it says "Dial Now..." or from the bar at the top of your mac os x screen?

**thanks lilbandit, i already solved the problem by unchecking the manual connect box. I didnt see that box before though. (or didnt notice :) )

Regarding your problem with disconnecting, I also have experienced this problem on powerbook G4 and DP 867 Mhz running panther and Jaguar. It's happened in different places and ISP's so it isn't the telephone line at fault. Over on the discussion boards there are other more people with this same problem. Sorry can't be of any more help!

**strange thing isnt it? thanks for the warm welcome. :)
newton, in practical terms a dial up connection will give you speeds of about 5.6 kilobytes a second, although it can be a little more if you're lucky. As ianreyno said a broadband connection like ADSL will be much faster, approx. 50kb a second. Confusingly, connection speeds are described in bits per second or bps. It's much the same idea except the units are smaller, bits instead of bytes. So a (relatively slow) dialup connection is described as 56kbps (56 kilo bits per second, or 5.6kb per second). DSL usually gives a speed of 512kbps, or about 50kb per second.